Work - Expat Magazine

Losing your job abroad: Know your rights as an expat
Losing your job abroad: Know your rights as an expat
Job loss can be very traumatic, and this shock can be even more significant when you are an expat with no one to turn to for help. From dependents to visas, unemployment benefits and health insurance, here's what you need to know about your rights as an expat in case of job loss.
How to ensure your rights and avoid being exploited as a temporary worker abroad
How to ensure your rights and avoid being exploited as a temporary worker abroad
Working as a temporary worker abroad can be an exciting opportunity, offering a chance to experience a new culture, develop professional skills, and earn money in the process. However, it's important to understand your rights as a temporary worker and ensure they are protected. Whether you're planning to work abroad for a few weeks, months, or even longer, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations that apply to temporary workers in your host country.
How digital nomad visas and remote working are reshaping the global labor market
How digital nomad visas and remote working are reshaping the global labor market
Digital nomadism and remote working have significantly gained popularity since the global health crisis. While they existed before that, they have become remarkably widespread. Countries across the globe are gradually introducing digital nomad visas, making way for a new era of remote work. Notably, even major companies are embracing the concept of remote working from abroad. As a result, the international labor market is transforming, and recent years have witnessed notable changes that demand our attention.
What are the must-have skills for a successful career transition overseas?
What are the must-have skills for a successful career transition overseas?
Discovering a new country or a new culture is not the only reason for moving abroad. In reality, many people want to boost their careers or even opt for a career change or retrain and switch jobs to start afresh. So what are the most sought-after skills for those looking to a career transition overseas? Let's have a look.
Can you take a break from your career while working abroad?
Can you take a break from your career while working abroad?
Can you take a break from your career overseas? The idea is gaining momentum, especially since the pandemic, which has been an eye-opener for many. This idea is being more formalized and realized by expatriates for whom professional life is part of a broader framework. The quest for a meaningful career is much discussed and debated. How important is it to take a break in your international career, and what are your options?
Why going abroad is essential for young talents
Why going abroad is essential for young talents
In the past decade, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of young professionals seeking to live and work abroad. This trend is evidenced by the rise of digital nomads and international remote workers who have revolutionized the work organization. It is, therefore, worth exploring the motivations and evolving expectations of these young talents when they decide to leave their country of origin.
How will the new labor regulations in the Netherlands affect expats?
How will the new labor regulations in the Netherlands affect expats?
According to Karien van Gennip, the Dutch Minister of Labour, many workers with flexible contracts and self-employed are uncertain about their employment status. Having a job is a good thing, but it's even better to have job security and career prospects. With this in mind, the government proposed new rules in April to ensure a more stable and balanced labor market. Here are some of the key details.
Where to go for internships abroad?
Where to go for internships abroad?
Rather than be a simple line on a CV, an internship abroad is a gateway to an international career. It also allows for more self-awareness and offers an excellent opportunity to learn more about a foreign country. The intern can thus discover a new language, entrepreneurial culture, and work organization and improve their knowledge and skills. What are the best countries for internships? Here are some tips and practical advice on maximizing your chances of obtaining an internship abroad.
How to find work abroad with no skills or experience
How to find work abroad with no skills or experience
If you're looking to broaden your horizons by immersing yourself in different cultures and gaining work experience simultaneously, working abroad is an excellent option. Fortunately, there are plenty of overseas jobs available that do not require prior experience. These roles not only allow you to travel to new places but also improve your professional skills. By researching these job opportunities, you can narrow down your search and move closer to landing a job overseas.
Countries mobilize to attract foreign talent amid labor shortages
Countries mobilize to attract foreign talent amid labor shortages
The world is hiring, but shortages of skilled workers continue to pose a challenge this year, prompting governments to ease visa requirements, shorten processing times, and attract foreign talent. Urgency is the new watchword, as these shortages are a drag on economic growth. Governments must act decisively and quickly against international tensions such as the war in Ukraine, energy and economic crises, and inflation coupled with aging populations. 
Remote work: Legal issues and best practices for expats
Remote work: Legal issues and best practices for expats
Remote working has become popular since the pandemic, but expat workers might still be unsure about how to request it. Are there labor laws that lay down rules for remote working? If you plan on working from abroad as an expat, what issues should both you and your employer take into consideration?
Is 60 too old to start a career in another country?
Is 60 too old to start a career in another country?
Despite the promised advantages, the French government's recent move to raise the retirement age (62 to 64) has not been well received by the population. A similar appalment has been noted toward South Korea's proposal of raising the work time to 69 hours per week. All the bitterness caused raised a legit question; can one handle a career at a moment so close to retirement? Are global labor shortages a sign that you can start a career overseas at 60?
Working abroad: How to make sure your rights are protected?
Working abroad: How to make sure your rights are protected?
You may have just landed a job abroad, or you may have been employed for a long time. Like companies' work culture, legislation varies from one country to another. Expat employees are sometimes more vulnerable when faced with a legal framework that they are not familiar with. How can they protect themselves and enforce their rights? How to be sure that the employment contract respects the legal framework?
International volunteering: A good option to move abroad
International volunteering: A good option to move abroad
Give your time, receive from others, find new ways of learning, meet the locals, discover new languages and cultures, and get new business insights. These are just a few examples of what international volunteering is about. But behind all these mundane exchanges lie some more complex challenges. What are the benefits of volunteering abroad, and where should you look for opportunities?
How to negotiate your contract and salary as an expat woman?
How to negotiate your contract and salary as an expat woman?
The last gender equality report from World Bank shows that much need to be done when it comes to women's rights, whether in terms of health, education, or work. Women worldwide face discrimination when it comes to earnings, even if wage equality (equal pay for equal work) is an international right. The struggle is doubled when she has to prove her skills in another country. How can women negotiate their contracts and salary? What is the best moment to request an interview? Is there a specific etiquette to follow? Follow our tips below. 
What are the top jobs for international students?
What are the top jobs for international students?
Studying abroad can come with a hefty price tag. Most countries allow international students to work a limited number of hours to help them pay for their tuition, living expenses and leisure. There are various job opportunities on the campus itself: teaching assistants, tutors, library assistants and campus ambassadors. Many students also choose to work in hospitality as waiters, bartenders and receptionists. The gig economy also gives them the opportunity to be freelancers, drivers, babysitters and petsitters.
International mobility: What's the new deal?
International mobility: What's the new deal?
While countries worldwide recover from Covid-related lockdowns and restrictions, most of them are facing labor shortages. The United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, European Union countries, etc. You name it. Governments are leaving no stone unturned in attracting and retaining international talents. So what are the most attractive countries today? Which sectors are more appealing to international talents? What are the best strategies to attract and retain them? Let's find out.
Trailing spouses now allowed to work in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Trailing spouses now allowed to work in Saudi Arabia
Are we witnessing another positive step towards the welcoming of foreign talent in Saudi Arabia? It is now a reality: the spouses of expatriates in Saudi Arabia can now seek employment locally. But this measure is nevertheless subject to conditions. Let's explore the hows and whys.