Work - Expat Magazine

Do expats earn more than locals? 
Do expats earn more than locals? 
As globalization has brought the world closer together, the number of expats, or people living and working outside their home country, has been on the rise. For many people, working abroad can be a way to gain new experiences, improve language skills, and increase earning potential. However, the question of whether expats actually earn more than locals has been a topic of debate for years. 
Saudi Arabia's new focus on foreign businesses amid Saudization
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia's new focus on foreign businesses amid Saudization
Multiple Gulf countries are currently replacing expats with locals in many jobs. Saudi Arabia's situation looks paradoxical because the kingdom is both creating new measures to attract expats and continuing the “Saudization" (nationalization) of the local workforce. How are these two seemingly diametrically opposed policies working together? 
Productivity, job creation, wages: European countries with the most inequalities
Productivity, job creation, wages: European countries with the most inequalities
Did Russia's war with Ukraine wipe out the economic rebound? In 2021, OECD countries recovered from the health crisis faster than expected. A similar rebound was observed in other economies around the world, such as the United States, Australia, and China. In OECD countries, 66 million jobs have been created following post-Covid recovery. But since 2022, uncertainty has prevailed.
Germany offers one-year paid educational leave to workers
Germany offers one-year paid educational leave to workers
Through the newly announced one-year paid educational leave, Germany wants to fight skills shortages. The country wants to revitalize lifelong learning through apprenticeships, internships, and training programs, to ensure a better match between job supply and demand. But what are the outlines of this new measure? Are expatriates concerned by these new incentives?
Career coach shares her views on entrepreneurship in Africa/Indian Ocean
Career coach shares her views on entrepreneurship in Africa/Indian Ocean
Sandra Leblé is an entrepreneur and the co-president of French Tech Mauritius. She has been living on the island since August 2021 and is a professional coach. She shares with us her views on the entrepreneurial ecosystem not only in Mauritius but also in the African/Indian Ocean region, which she believes is brimming with opportunities for all those who wish to enter the Tech world.
Where should you start a business abroad and why?
Where should you start a business abroad and why?
Will 2023 be the year of entrepreneurs? Well, countries like Canada, Japan, France, the United States and the Netherlands are all striving to attract international talent. Innovation is back on government agendas, in tech, as in other sectors. But where should you move to, and why? Let's take a closer look at the best locations for entrepreneurship and their benefits.
Changing careers overseas: This is how you do it!
Changing careers overseas: This is how you do it!
Many people choose to change careers when their current job no longer suits them or when they want to find purpose in their professional life. Some decide to take the leap when moving abroad, by choice, by necessity, or by chance, just following the opportunities that arise. Expats who have switched careers talks to us about their experience.
How to redefine your career as a returning expat?
How to redefine your career as a returning expat?
Sometimes, after several years spent abroad, it's time for expats to return home. Even though it tends to be overlooked, planning your return is just as important as moving abroad. But how do you plan your career when returning to your home country? What should you look out for? Here are some tips.
Job nationalization: How does it affect expats?
Job nationalization: How does it affect expats?
The phenomenon of “workforce nationalization” happens when expats are systematically replaced by locals in various jobs. The countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council have come into the spotlight in recent years for implementing nationwide job nationalization measures.
Canada's new focus on foreign entrepreneurs
Canada's new focus on foreign entrepreneurs
Canada wants to attract more entrepreneurs. The "startup visa" was officially launched on April 1, 2013, in response to the 2012 Economic Action Plan. With this plan, Canada committed to supporting "world-class entrepreneurship, innovation, and research." The 2023-2025 Immigration Plan relaunches the business startup visa with a target of 3,500 new immigrant entrepreneurs.
Italy announces 82,705 work permits for expat workers
Italy announces 82,705 work permits for expat workers
The Italian government is looking to grant 82 705 work permits to expat workers this year. According to the latest Decree on Migration Flows (Decreto Flussi), published on January 26 in the Italian Official Gazette, this measure aims to address the shortages in various sectors. So what kinds of jobs can expat workers expect in Italy, and what would be the benefits of moving there?
Denmark opens doors to foreign talent
Denmark opens doors to foreign talent
Denmark is heavily relying on immigration to counter the acute labor shortage in certain sectors. The Danish government has come up with a special scheme to attract qualified foreign talent and created a list of jobs that are under pressure. So what are the opportunities that are currently available in Denmark for prospective expats?
One million workers in 2023: A result of the Polish economic miracle?
One million workers in 2023: A result of the Polish economic miracle?
One could call it the "Polish economic miracle". With sustained growth and low unemployment, the country presents many benefits for foreign workers. The war in Ukraine has also played a major role in the increase in the number of migrant workers. But what are the opportunities available for foreigners in Poland?
Luxembourg struggles to hire foreign talent
Luxembourg struggles to hire foreign talent
Attracting international talent is no easy thing. Faced with a severe labor shortage, Luxembourg is finding it hard to hire foreign talent. Aware of the current situation, the government recently introduced a new tax incentive for highly qualified foreigners. But will that be enough to attract foreign talent?
Teaching abroad: What are your prospects in 2023?
Teaching abroad: What are your prospects in 2023?
Teachers must take many things into consideration when moving abroad. Are there enough vacancies in education abroad? Should they apply to public or private schools? How can they get their degree and teaching license recognized in another country? In 2023, it's more complicated than before to get employed as a foreign teacher in Gulf countries and in China. Meanwhile, many European countries are in dire need of expat teachers.
How to have a thriving career abroad
How to have a thriving career abroad
How should you plan your career abroad? Whether you have a promise of employment or are leaving to search for your dream job, setting goals is essential to envision your project better. So what should you focus on, professionally and personally? And what should be done? Let's take a look at the issues and get some practical advice.
What does the US Tech sector crisis mean for expats?
What does the US Tech sector crisis mean for expats?
Following years of euphoria and a strong hiring trend in the early days of COVID, uncertainty took over the US Tech sector. Successive waves of layoffs worldwide have left thousands of employees in shock. The situation is particularly critical in the United States, with foreigners forced by their visas to find a job quickly. But what led to such a huge surge in layoffs? What is the future of the US tech sector, and how are foreign workers impacted?
Working abroad: Perks of gaining first-time experience in farming 
Working abroad: Perks of gaining first-time experience in farming 
Agriculture is a field in need of short-term workers in various countries. Multiple farming jobs, notably fruit picking, don't require previous experience. These jobs are a great choice for young people looking to make some money while discovering the world or even older adults who want to take a sabbatical year. Canada, New Zealand and Australia are all in great need of permanent and temporary agricultural workers.