Work - Expat Magazine

Moving to Germany without a work contract soon a reality for skilled expats
Moving to Germany without a work contract soon a reality for skilled expats
With the Skilled Immigration Act of 2023, Germany has been enacting new immigration reforms to make immigration easier for highly-skilled expats. Applications for the Opportunity Card will start from June 2024. This visa allows skilled expats who pass a points test to move to Germany for one year without any work contract. They can use that year to look for a job in the country itself.
How does the real estate crisis impact other sectors?
How does the real estate crisis impact other sectors?
Popular expat destinations are facing challenges. Real estate remains in a slump, impacting various sectors within the industry. But despite the real estate downturn in several countries, there are still labor shortages in related fields. If you're considering a move to one of these countries, let's look at the state of the job market and the solutions for these sectors.
Labor shortages and in-demand jobs: Key considerations for prospective expats
Labor shortages and in-demand jobs: Key considerations for prospective expats
On the one hand, many sectors are experiencing significant labor shortages. On the other hand, entry requirements in certain countries can slow down the recruitment of international workers. Therefore, equivalence or recognition of diplomas, tests, competitive examinations, etc., become important considerations for prospective expats.
Major economic shift in Gulf countries as they embrace green energy
Major economic shift in Gulf countries as they embrace green energy
The increasing number of natural and climate disasters reminds the world that time is not on its side. Fossil fuels are dwindling and facing growing criticism. Green energy is gaining ground, even among major oil-producing countries. Let's take a closer look at these countries seeking to diversify their economies and how this will affect international mobility.
International career: Is a lack of experience a hurdle for prospective expats?
International career: Is a lack of experience a hurdle for prospective expats?
Labor shortages have marked 2023 and are likely to persist into 2024. Prospective expatriates view this as a chance to enter the global job market. But what should they showcase on their resume? Is lack of experience a hurdle in finding a job abroad?
Expatriates are reshaping global economies and fueling growth
Expatriates are reshaping global economies and fueling growth
Expats were thought to have been swept away by the COVID-19 pandemic and then by the rise of remote work. Recent international upheavals were expected to hasten the end of expatriation. But that was without taking into account labor shortages, which are prompting governments to roll out the red carpet for foreign workers. Even the most conservative among them are opening the door to them. Let us take a closer look.
Navigating success: Should I move abroad or pursue a career first?
Navigating success: Should I move abroad or pursue a career first?
This is a profound question indeed. One could rightly argue that merely traveling doesn't equate to "building a career." Undoubtedly, there are many interesting positions available locally. However, one might also contend that one or two trips overseas for "career-building" are worth it. The debate (regarding pollution and expatriate careers) resurfaces regularly, questioning the very concept of the value of work, the role of work in life, and the image of the expatriate.
Moving abroad as a self-employed expat: What should you keep in mind?
Moving abroad as a self-employed expat: What should you keep in mind?
Moving to a new country is an exciting opportunity, but it can also be a complex endeavor for self-employed professionals. The administrative tasks can be diverse and numerous, varying from one country to another. In this article, we explain how to navigate the process smoothly.
UK immigration: What you need to know about recent policy changes
UK immigration: What you need to know about recent policy changes
Will aspiring expatriates need to give up their dreams of living in the United Kingdom? The latest government announcements suggest that new restrictions may be implemented this year.
Diploma recognition and licensing for expatriates in regulated professions explained
Diploma recognition and licensing for expatriates in regulated professions explained
Living abroad can be an enriching experience that opens the door to new professional opportunities. However, moving abroad for work can be more complex for professionals in regulated fields, such as doctors, lawyers, architects, or accountants. These professions are governed by specific regulations that differ across countries.
Which are the best and worst jobs for remote work?
Which are the best and worst jobs for remote work?
For some time, we were in the midst of a remote working revolution, where the traditional office setting was being replaced by the freedom to work from anywhere. However, the reality is different due to factors like security, practicality, and the need for social interaction. Which professions are most adaptable to remote work, and which require a physical presence in the workplace?
Unveiling 2024's top-paying destinations for expatriates
Unveiling 2024's top-paying destinations for expatriates
Which are the most attractive and favorable countries for expats in 2024? Although salary isn't the only factor determining expatriation decisions, it does play a crucial role, particularly in the face of ongoing inflation that is pushing up the cost of living. What are your options if you intend to grow your career overseas?
Revealing the untold advantages of budget-conscious remote work destinations
Revealing the untold advantages of budget-conscious remote work destinations
Is the professional world adapting to the rise of digital nomadism? While many sectors maintain their conventional work structures (as not everything can be digitized), others are embracing fully remote work setups. Whether they are freelancers or work for a company, digital nomads are reshaping the fundamental concept of work. This transformation is especially true in the office environment, which is now portable alongside the worker. The question arises: where should you choose as your remote work base? Here's a glimpse into the benefits of budget-friendly destinations for remote work.
Investing wisely in emerging economies: Pros and cons
Investing wisely in emerging economies: Pros and cons
In the world of economic growth, emerging nations are flourishing. Their GDP is on the rise at a faster pace compared to more developed economies, offering an enticing opportunity to attract entrepreneurs and foreign investors. So why should you do business in an emerging country, and what are the risks?
Corporate Christmas dos and don'ts expats should be aware of
Corporate Christmas dos and don'ts expats should be aware of
Christmas has become a popular corporate event around the world, with many companies embracing end-of-year celebrations through occasional tinsel trees and various levels of decorations, ranging from discreet to elaborate. However, when it comes to etiquette, here's what expats should keep in mind.
End of year bonus: Global insights and eligibility for expats explained
End of year bonus: Global insights and eligibility for expats explained
The end-of-year bonus is commonly known as the “13th or 14th month” or the “Christmas bonus”. This financial aid is helpful, especially amid the current economic crisis. In which countries can you expect to receive an end-of-year bonus? Are expats eligible?
Mastering cultural nuances when working abroad
Mastering cultural nuances when working abroad
You've just arrived in your host country or lived there for some time. You feel comfortable in your new job and looking forward to a long stay in your host country. Still, there's one important area in which you still have a lot to learn: cultural nuances. A glance, a smile, or a hug may carry diverse meanings depending on the context and cultural background. Here are some tips for adapting and integrating them into your daily routine.
How important is flexibility at work for expatriates?
How important is flexibility at work for expatriates?
What will the work organization of the future look like? Amidst the options of 100% in-person and 100% remote work, alternative work forms are gaining popularity. Many employees advocate for increased flexibility but seek flexibility that ensures their protection. But what about expats?