Pending Completing Transfer In Absher by New Employer


After accepting request in qiwa it will get forwarded to current employer for acceptance.

My iqama is expired and khafeel facility is in red. can my iqama transfer directly to new employer without current khafeel permission

please help me.

I have same problem, My Mobile Number : 00966-559365183

My Qiwa System showing Message : "Pending Completing Transfer In Absher by New Employer"

Today, I call my New Employer to make approval for Iqama Transfer through "Absher". I have already Paid 6000 SAR in my Iqama for Transfer Sponsorship.

The New Employer told, there was no approval meassage showing in  "Absher".

For Your Information:
QIWA System Procedure:
Step-1, New Employer put a request
Step-2, Employee Review and accept the Request
Step-3, Current Employer accept.
Step-4,Pending Completing Transfer In Absher by New Employer
Sterp-5, ...............after that ?

husainshahid wrote:

I have same problem, My Mobile Number : 00966-559365183

My Qiwa System showing Message : "Pending Completing Transfer In Absher by New Employer"

Today, I call my New Employer to make approval for Iqama Transfer through "Absher". I have already Paid 6000 SAR in my Iqama for Transfer Sponsorship.

The New Employer told, there was no approval meassage showing in  "Absher".

For Your Information:
QIWA System Procedure:
Step-1, New Employer put a request
Step-2, Employee Review and accept the Request
Step-3, Current Employer accept.
Step-4,Pending Completing Transfer In Absher by New Employer
Sterp-5, ...............after that ?

Did your current employer accept the request?

Did you complete 1 year to your old employer?

Did you complete 1 year to your old employer?

I got a request of new employer on Qiwa. I accepted it and now status is PENDING COMPLETING TRANSFER IN ABSHER BY NEW EMPLOYER. What does that mean and what is the next step now?

Once your new employer paid your iqama transfer and it will automatically transfer your sponsorship to your new employer.


Im also in a similar situation, my qiwa showing pending absheer transfer by new employer. My new employer asking me to pay the iqama fee of 10000SR as my iqama will expire by this april 28th 2021.But they didn't inform me earlier, as i have informed them earlier that my iqama will expire in the above mentioned date. Is there any solution or should i pay and join the firm. Please support.


jijithmp wrote:

Im also in a similar situation, my qiwa showing pending absheer transfer by new employer. My new employer asking me to pay the iqama fee of 10000SR as my iqama will expire by this april 28th 2021.But they didn't inform me earlier, as i have informed them earlier that my iqama will expire in the above mentioned date. Is there any solution or should i pay and join the firm. Please support.


All the govt fees of an employee are borne by the employer. If they are asking means they are not legitimate. Its your decision to accept or move on depending on your circumstances.

Thanks for your valuable information

I'm also a concerned expat stuck since long time with the status "Pending Completing transfer in absher by new employer" whereas the new employer cannot see my details in absher. What's the procedure? Did it solve for anyone? Kindly explain.


Any update on this im on the same situation

One of my friend was also suffering the same problem but now problem is resolved. As I was quite involved in his problem so now I came to know a lot of information about old employer and new employer relation in this QIWA system. Person to person conditions are different. I cant explain each condition here as it will be a long post. Contact on 0532406094 I will try to help as much as possible.
We come here in this platform with our problems but when problem resolved, we should  have to share the experiance that how to resolve the problem.
Many thanks to members who helped me during this problem specially Arsal 7.

engrmaraza wrote:

One of my friend was also suffering the same problem but now problem is resolved. As I was quite involved in his problem so now I came to know a lot of information about old employer and new employer relation in this QIWA system. Person to person conditions are different. I cant explain each condition here as it will be a long post. Contact on 0532406094 I will try to help as much as possible.
We come here in this platform with our problems but when problem resolved, we should  have to share the experiance that how to resolve the problem.
Many thanks to members who helped me during this problem specially Arsal 7.

Please share your experience with other.
Put a new thread.
It will help others.

Please help me with this, I m facing same problem

JAZ4747 wrote:

My iqama is expired and khafeel facility is in red. can my iqama transfer directly to new employer without current khafeel permission


I think processing jawasath with in 3 days redy

Assalamualaikum all,

I need small info.

I am in process of transferring my iqama through qiwa platform. New employer initiated request through qiwa and same has been accepted by me.

Since there contract still in place with existing sponsor,it is showing  as “pending for current employer approval “.

When I enquired with current employer,he is unable to find request in qiwa platform to accept.

Can any one suggest me ,how many days it may take to reach request to current employer.

Will der be any delay? Anyone faced same issue?

Can I get any leads to support me in dis matter please.

Request your support as I am struggling a lot to get things done.

Jazakallah khair..

Khaja rasool

Same problm bro

I have same problems please help me guys 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Can give me your mobile bro I need to talk with you please 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Moderated by Diksha 3 years ago
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Hey guys, anyone know whats the meaning of APPROVED-ET in qiwa? Does it mean my new contract were approved?


Yes, it's possible.

Hi, have you got your answer what is the meaning ng of pending ET

For me, yesterday i received a request from my new employer, and i have viewed the contract also. But when i click on the next step it is jot going further. It is showing “no data”. Any one please help me with this.

Send me your last screenshot

Please can you message in watsapp? I am new here and have no idea how to attach a pic. Watsapp number ***

Moderated by Priscilla 3 years ago
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Try refreshing the qiwa. In order to vie job contract in the new updates it need 2 way verification code

I dont know really. Some said. Its employee transfer. We asked the labor about it. They said its the final stage of transfer. Like they are checking if i have violations like traffic or court violations. Then good to transfer already. But, they are not really sure since qiwa is not under them. They said its a different department

Please  help..I am not able to accept  the request  by new employer on clicking the transfer request and accepting the terms and clicking the i accept request.
it is showing error occurred try again later...

Same issues i have seen in somany people's

how then??i accepted a new contract in Qiwa then after my old employer put my visa to final exit..

how many days Iqama pending request will be stay in Absher ? can any one inform me plz

within- in - 2 days if both the current and new employer accepts. Have done in my company for my friend

Employee will be transferred immediately if one of the below conditions are met:

Employee Work Permit is expired
Employee Iqama is expired.