
Associations et ONG au Kenya

Vous souhaitez connaître les différentes associations et ONG au Kenya? Notre annuaire vous aidera à les localiser au Kenya.

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Green Spot Tower, 2nd Floor, Kamakis, Ruiru, Kiamb

The Expat Way LLP
Nilum Jusab

Kamake Gardens, G04Mawensi RoadUpper HillNairobi

PS Audio Visual
+254 722 669 175

Nairobi, Kenya. 72200

Action Kenya Initiative
Zachariah Mutamani
Sajames Home for the Aged

Karura, Kiambu

Solongo Rehabilitation Group
Solongo aid

P.O. Box 145Vihiga,Maragoli, kisumu,nyanza

CueMed Consultants Ltd

Purshottam Place, Chiromo Road, 7th FloorP. O Box 8966 - 00100

Hope & Courage International
Cso Network
Audria Puskarich

P.O. BOX 3839 - 40100

Give Hope Group
Petrina Wegleitner

P.O Box 156624-00503 Mbagathi

Women@Work .East Africa.CBO

Anthill-SwissOrganic-Garden c/o Box 10618 Bamburi 80101

Hope and Courage International
Katrina W

P.O. Box 61393

Development Knowledge Link Africa

P.O. Box 6811 – 40103, Kisumu, Kenya

Bomer Nutrition & Health Consultants