
How to cope with stress and anxiety in the USA ?

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Hello everyone,

The Covid19 has forced the USA to close their borders and quarantine their residents.

As the situation in the USA may be getting more and more worrying, the atmosphere can be tense and stressful. This is why we invite you to share your favorite ways to relieve pressure and to relax during those hard times.

How are you coping with stress and anxiety? What is your best tip?

Thanks, and hope you are safe and sound.


See also

The healthcare system in the USAHealth insurance in the USHaving a baby in the USAAccidents and emergencies in the United StatesFirst time enrolling in Medicare: Medicare Part B Penalty waived

Second Amendment.


No quarantine here, everything essential from beauty shops to liquor stores are open.


The best tip I can give right now is this:

This COVID crisis will pass. Another crisis will come.

Ask yourself, when you look back during this time, how do you want to remember it?

Then start today in making those memories come true.

Good luck and happy to help,


Take a time-out. Practice yoga, listen to music, meditate, get a massage, or learn relaxation techniques. Stepping back from the problem helps clear your head.

Eat well-balanced meals. Do not skip any meals. Do keep healthful, energy-boosting snacks on hand. Limit alcohol and caffeine, which can aggravate anxiety and trigger panic attacks. Get enough sleep. When stressed, your body needs additional sleep and rest.

While doing my research I came across this article which I found very helpful.

Exercise daily to help you feel good and maintain your health. Check out the fitness tips below. Take deep breaths. Inhale and exhale slowly.
Accept that you cannot control everything. Put your stress in perspective: Is it really as bad as you think?

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