Medication in Turkey

Good morning everyone,

Whether it's a simple cold or a chronic illness, medication and medicine use vary from country to country and culture to culture.

When you are used to certain brands or types of drugs, being in a country like Turkey with different rules can affect your daily well-being.

Some drugs also differ in name, price, dosage, active molecule, so we would like to hear your opinion on these issues:

Have you ever had difficulties finding familiar or useful medicines for your health in your host country?

Have you ever been faced with a shortage of medicines in Turkey?

Would you have said that in Turkey drugs are more or less expensive than in your home country? Do you find them more or less effective or of similar quality?

What is the place of alternative medicines in your host country? Have you ever used them?

Thank you in advance for your feedback,


the medicine is more expensive in Turkey than my home country Egypt yes,
did not experience anything related to medicine shortage in Turkey yet because what i ordered was one or two medicines for short periods...

In Egypt my country there is a shortage in some medicines yes not because it's few products but because number of population in Egypt and the consumption of the medicine is high...


In general, medication is much cheaper than my Homecountry Germany, but often pschychotic drugs or highly sensitive/critical medication fails to be provided, i was often following from press or medical friends; it was due to governmental pricing policy etc.

I have ADHD and unfortunately I can't get treated here. Apparently psychiatrists can't diagnose nor prescribe for foreigners. So I'll have to graduate and/or go to a different country to get help. It makes no sense to me

Hi dear loic,
There is no shortage of medicine but shortage of masks and sanitizer or all kind of anti bacterial liquid are here.
You can't find them in Istanbul drugstore at all...

Medications in Turkey have been much less complicated getting, much cheaper for me, and a great experience. If one was out they went to get it from the depot within a day or so. I never run out. There are so many pharmacies that there are usually a few close-by to choose from. Pharmacists can be more helpful than doctors at times.