Business opportunity (spc) Single person company

dear all.

i would like to ask about the business environment in bahrain...actulay i want to make my SPC single person company in bahrain..right now i am in UAE...would u suggest me to move there in much bahrain has friendly environment regarding business and other facilities

That is a very generic question.  Depends on which line of business you want to go into, what is the capital you will invest etc etc.


i would like to invest in logistic supply work or goods supply or goods re export business

Depends on whether you have the contracts for the same.  But keep in mind that for activities of this nature, Bahrain is a LOT smaller market than UAE with a lot less opportunities.

yes dear i know UAE has more opportunities and had bigger market than Bahrain actuality m feeling like that UAE is also much expensive than Bahrain m i right? therefore m thinking on this option LOVING COST IN UAE IS MORE THAN IN BAHRAIN

There is a reason why living cost is low in Bahrain.  As it is not the preferred destination in the GCC like the UAE is. 

Secondly, with lower living costs, come lower salaries and income.   So it is a balance.  You pay less because you earn less and there is less resultant inflation.  Simple supply and demand economics.

Bahrain like UAE is semi developed for a long time and as such, there is no particular "virgin market" as you would like to call it.  This is not sub saharan africa :).  In some products or services, you might face less competition but in fields with no competition, it is because the set up probably requires huge investment e.g. IMAX cinemas 3-4 years ago (there were none in Bahrain until Novo opened).

I would suggest that you visit Bahrain to get a feel for the country and explore business opportunities through detailed market research.  Posting on the forums will not give you a sure shot successful business idea.