Izin tinggal tetap

Hello I am new member.i want to change my social Budaya visa to izin tinggal tetap in embassy of Indonesia singapore.please advise me about conditions and how do I start ?
Thank you.

You need to provide a reason for the visa to be granted
There are several ways to apply, but all have strict rules - Why do you believe you're eligible?

For your information, I had married Indonesian women two years over.
You said that have several ways but how do I start ?
I mean that way easy for me.
Thank you  in advance


1. marriage certificate
2. passport copy
3. ktp of wife
4. kk of wife

and other documents.

if you need help pm me.


Kophyo wrote:

I had married Indonesian women two years over.

That makes things easier.
The list above is about right but incomplete.
You'll need a legalised birth certificate and you might be asked for proof you have enough to live on without working.

The rule used to be you have two years on KITAS before applying for KITAP, but I'm way out of date on that one so check it out first.

If you're in Indonesia at the moment - Direct to the nearest immigration office and start the process - You should have little difficulty getting at least a KITAS. I believe these still require going to an Indonesian embassy to get the telex but that might also have changed so check.
Most people recommend Singapore but I prefer KL.