
Seeking A piece of advice

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Hello There ,

I'm a Fluent English Speaker and speaks Arabic too .I'm an Network Engineer in Orange Business Services Egypt ,and I don't speak Russian at all .

My Belarussian girl friend and I will marry soon .I don't know what life will look like if we live in Belarus while I'm making my first steps learning Russian .However , My concern is can I find a job in my field or even a part time job in any other field like tourism or teaching in Belarus while I speak only English till I master Russian , or I won't be able at all to find a job ?

My field is a hot commodity in Minsk , but don't know whether I can find work as Network Engineer without learning Russian at the beginning or not.of course I'm willing to learn Russian , but I'm talking about the situation when I first arrive in Belarus as an only English Speaker.

I hope that each one has a piece of advice to share it with me to help me make the right decision .


See also

Living in Belarus: the expat guideMinistry of ImmigrationHow much minimum salary in Belarus for Filipinos?Emigrate to Belarus as a computer engineerWhat are the dos and don'ts of finding a job in Belarus?
The Sok-Man

I dont know about finding a job but I am an American who married a Belurussian neither of us spoke each others language but I am learning Russian and enjoying it very much.  I live part time in Belarus and part time in America since my wife has not been granted a visa as of yet.  Its been 2 years but best thing I ever did was marry the young lady.


congratulations Sir !

But do you think that I can't move and live with her in Belarus  unless I'm speaking Russian .I mean we both use English for communication , but daily life will be impossible without Russian , so I will learn it but later on after I move .I don't know if this is a feasible plan or not !



In fact finding a job as a network Engineer is not a big deal here, the only thing is of course you need Russian, but, the good thing is that there are a lot of international companies opening in Minsk nowadays, also there are a lot of IT companies that are always looking for good Engineers and they mostly work for the US, Canada and EU countries so that they look for English speakers as well.  Check the residents of the HTP (High technology park)

Mina Mega

Hello all
I'm new on this site,
I'm interested to work in Belarus, i'm an interior designer, artist, graphic designer,..., can i find jobs related to art and design easily + i have a master's degree, and i'm also interested to work as an assistant lecturer
any advice on how can i work in Belarus ?


I think, taking into account your field of work, you certainly can move to Belarus in the near future. The most important thing is that you speak English, in my opinion, since most IT-speacialists in Belarus do a lot of work in this language and have to learn to speak it anyway.

I do think, however, that you should at least start learning Russian as soon as possible just to make your everyday life easier. While it may not be urgent for your job, you'll have to somehow communicate with people in, say, a grocery shop. It's always best to know some key phrases in the native language. That's my personal perspective regarding your question