
Question about Medical Requirements

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I recently accepted a position with the University of the South Pacific in Suva, and as part of the process they've asked for medical documents. Some of these requirements have seemed a bit stringent, verging on the impossible, and I'm wondering if there are ways to work around them.

For example, I take anti-anxiety medications in the states, and they are requiring a psychiatrist's report detailing the history of my usage. However, I have never had a psychiatrist nor is one necessary to prescribe these medications. My primary care physician, who is not a psychiatrist, provided them with information, but USP is adamant that a psychiatrist write the report.

I'm wondering if anybody has encountered similar problems with employment checks and, if so, if there are any workarounds to getting paperwork completed.


See also

Living in Fiji: the expat guideMinisterial approvalvisitor permitPermanent residency in Fijiwork permit here

Hi Dan, I also have a question about health requirements, and am wondering how you went with your application?
I would really like to get hold of more information on what the medical documents have to say, to see what kind of health issues they might not accept. Have you any suggestions? Thanks in advance