Beijing Expat-Blog Get-Together

30 April 2011

Is there interest in an exclusive Expat-Blog members (and friends)get-together?

Now that summer is here one option could be a day trip to somehwere out from downton Beijing. Visit somewhere a bit of the beaten track, have a local meal, not too energetic but a fun and relaxing day?

Another option would be to meet downton in a bar / coffee shop / restaurant. If there are enough people we can block a whole area / section / bar.

Please respond in this thread with your preferance

A) Daytrip on a Saturday or Sunday.
B) Weekday evening meeting.
C) Both options are good.

C) Both options are good.

Lets give it a whirl ....Saturday 21 May 2011 Day trip to Chuandixia (aka Cuandixia) 爨底下村

Will post it as a seperate thread

Here we go  info about the trip can be found here