Open hotel business in Zanzibar

Hello everyone!

I so glad to find this fantastic forum. I spent many times to find some information about opening business and everywhere it's different.
So can you advice me how to start?
The most difficult question for me
1) how to buy land
2) where is it possible to find land selling offers
3) how many taxes I should pay for 10 rooms hotel and small restaurant

We'll be very appreciate for your help

Under land act law , a
A non Tanzanian can't allowed to own land unless for investment purposes but still you cannot land directly , you will own land through Tanzania investment centre (T.I.C) , you will must have alocal partner to start a business and you will only be allowed to own 51% of your business but For more information google" can a foreigner own land in Tanzania" and a lot more will come

Also check


We have a lot in common as I have just left Tanzania with the same goal you wish, I am from America. I want to have business in Dar but found out a lot of what you are hearing but I found a lot that the law is much different in Zanzibar, they have a different President, many outsiders have business in Zanzibar. So my advise to you is make sure you understand the different between Dar and Zanzibar. Add me to your friends list and we can share what we both learn

Thanks a lot for advice. And to tell the truth I don't know different between land process in Dar and Zanzibar

Very strange . I talked with 3 Lowyer's from Stone Town . They said  land  just on your name ( Name of bayer )))

No one can give you precise information unless is.a  consultant.
Sometimes ,awareness is needed as investors.
There are now big numbers of Consultations Companies related to Legal Firms in. ZANZIBAR,who they can highly assist you in professional ways.

But most of us we have been avoiding they fees and get into risk by doing all these without consultation from Experts and sometimes being mislead by taking thinkable consultation from various sources.

I highly recommend you to pay a consultant to help you on his,if you are serious on what you want to do

Hello everyone.

I read your post and comments with much interest...

I am interested in purchasing an already existent lodgings/hotel/bungalow in Zanzibar... I presume i will still need to talk to local lawyer/consultant. Can anyone recommend someone so I can seek further advice?

Thank you very much.


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Hi everyone,

I'm also interested in a hotel business/Airbnb in Zanzibar. I have one very successful AirBnb and am looking to expand. Has anyone on this forum thread bought a property/found a real estate agent/consultant you could recommend? My dream has always been running a beach vacation property and Zanzibar looks like Heaven! Feel free to PM, would love to connect with other folks doing research/investigating this opportunity!

for further info contact ***

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