
Online shopping in Sudan

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Hello everyone,

Shopping online can be far more convenient and offer greater choice than going into shops, be it grocery shopping or retail.

Are there options for online shopping in Sudan? Which sites or apps do you use most frequently and are these local or international?

Are there particular products that are cheaper to buy online or that are perhaps not available in Sudan?

What is the delivery process like — is it easy to receive deliveries and what are the costs of shipping? Are there any taxes to pay upon receipt?

Thank you for sharing your experience.


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Hi there

I feel bad saying this but there is not online shopping in Sudan dues to many reasons, most people use facebook a& other Sudanese websites to buy and sell mostly cash.

Websites that are famous:


- ze-mart for ios

- Sudanmarket for android
        … emarketnet

- Cars only.

- There an app for vegatables & fruits delivery called Smart Delivery for android only.

- Uber like apps Mishwar & Tirhal for both ios & android.

- Most banks have apps for main services.


It is difficult to buy even a plane ticket online.
You may stumble on so many issues from a mandatory VPN connection to official currency conversion rates...
If Adobe Flashplayer and the ordinary Google Chrome are banned..
Better to buy everything you need when you travel abroad;)


Basically everything that is American is still banned except few things & will take sometime for things to be un screwed. Now your best option is a VPN.


I've heard that most of the economic sanctions have been lifted so let's hope for the best. Honestly before coming to Sudan, i wasn't even expecting there would be e-payment options here like debit cards but it was pleasant surprise to see plastic money (i.e. debit cards) are being extensively used on what seems to be an indigenous system. Let's hope for the best.

Sazid Imran

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Sazid Imran

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Sazid Imran wrote:

How do I find Bangladeshi in minsk

Post on the Belarus section of the forum.


Hi Dunn

Very true but a good VPN is all you need & all of them work plus no firewall like China.


Yes lets hope :)

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