
Cars in San Miguel de Allende and Mexico


How difficult or expensive or practical is it to convert a Texas vehicle into a Mexican vehicle?
Does it make sense to bring a USA car and just bring it in and out of Texas a couple of times a year instead?
How much more expensive or less expensive are comparable cars in Mexico, compared to buying my own and brining it down?
The more info the better..thanks for your info ahead of time!

See also

How to drive in MexicoLooking for a Carregistering 2019 american car in San Miguel de Allendeflying to San miguel from Austin, Texasused car in SMA?
Sonia Diaz Ortega

Cars are often cheaper in Mexico. Only a very few model years may be nationalized. However, as a temporary resident you may keep a foreign plated vehicle in Mexico for 4 years.


Dear Iggy,

You might find that the time and cost is greater  than purchasing a Mexican vehicle.

There are car finding services in many of the major cities in Mexico. Some of the business owners are bilingual and assist Expats with this service. Of course, the more Spanish you know, the better you will be able to negotiate.

I suggest you sign up for Facebook groups such as Expats in Mexico and others to request assistance with finding this service in the city you live or plan on relocating to.

Best of luck,