Salary advise

Been talking to a company about working in Norway. Cost of living is high, renting (Stavanger) is expensive, transport as well. So I'm wondering how much I should be asking as a minimum. Are there any salary lists around? The number quoted to me is currently at 800k NOK plus vacation allowance for a technical O&G position.

If I just put the salary without further information into a tax calculator I get about 256k in skatt. Though I'm uncertain about most things mentioned there, like pension, savings and the likes. A tax rate of just 32% seems low to me though.

Having worked in countries with very cheap living, and in some with huge expat allowances before I find it difficult to compare. And figuring out the net as well. I did work for 10 months in Norway before, on a temporary, all paid expat contract. Thus I'm uncertain about anything but groceries.

Looking forward to your input here.

not sure you can get better tgen that
if it is just yoy for now in Norway ...i suggest you look for house -share situation

This will reduce the stess of rent ....while giving you the chance to save alot of money  .....and time to seek better accomodation but more money in your pocket 

goodluck and do what's best for you

Thanks a lot :) I'd rather live in a 40m^2 flat than share to be honest. But I just heard that a housing and transport allowance would be paid additionally. That certainly makes life much easier. I already looked at income distribution for the region of course and know I'd be in the top 9% with that. But the part where things really get interesting is not detailed any more.