Looking for contacts in Pinghu or Shanghai


I'm Lena and I'm moving to Pinghu (in the south west of shanghai) in September for a year.

Is here anyone who can tell me more about living in Pinghu?

Thanks for your help! :-)

Welcome on board lena 2011 ;)

Meanwhile I will suggest you to go through to some of the active discussions in the China forum. It can help you to get an overview of the "Life" there. Otherwise, I hope that you will make lot of contacts via our web community.


Hi Yud,

thanks for your reply!
just had a quick look into some discussions...
Hope to find some contacts here to meet when I will be over for the first time in summer...

Hi Lena ! Im Chris, originally from Chile and been living in Ping Hu on and off since 2008.

My email is mr.bulang@gmail.com

Any questions, feel free to shoot an email.
