
Expat coffee sunday 6 feb

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Hi, we are some expats that will meet for coffee on sunday at 4pm. We will be at the kehrwieder cafè at Raekoja Plaza. Feel free to come :-)

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Just wondering: I have someone who would love to come, but she isn't an Expat per se: She is Estonian, however, she has spent much time with and around foreigners, speaks excellent English, and the 'non-Estonian' way of thinking suits her better..
I'd love to come there myself, but need to see how the days progress.


I don´t think it would be any problem :-).


Great! She'll be there.:top:


I´m also bringing an expat friend, she is just not a member here :-)



Hanna, it sounds great!
I don´t know where the café is myself but as long as it is at Raekoja Plaza, I think it should be no problem.
I´ll be there Sunday at 4pm :)
Expats or not, I believe people are welcome.
It will be a pleasant time in this beautiful city.


I can stand there ouside around 4pm, look for the huge red hair :-)


I´ll find it, afterall the plaza isn´t that big, but thanks Hanna! :)
Jan, hope you´ll be able to come. JPB and Milo are you up for it?


I will be happy to come. If I am not wrong Kehrwieder cafe has 2 enterances and Hanna will be on Raekoja side at 4pm. Right?


Yes sir, totally correct :-)



  I´ll be at the café entrance on Sunday at 4pm. :)
  Milo, good you´re coming too. How about Jan and JPB?
  As for other members, you know where to meet us.


Great, see you all on sunday!

OceanR it's not Milo. It's with Š (SH) at the end... MiloŠ :)


Hi, I will join you as well! Looking forward to get to know some more foreigners here....



Hi all,
Great initiative!
Saw this a little bit too late though. Will hopefully be joining you next time.



Just wanted t say that i enjoyed the afternoon and that it was a pleasure to meet you guys.
If there's a repeat, i'd be glad to be part of it.



  We had such a pleasant time yesterday. Time flew and we didn´t even notice. Nice to meet you all as well.
  We´re already thinking about next meeting for next week.
  David, you and other members are welcome to join us.


Ok, so I see that there is a facebook group already called Expats in Tallinn. It´s closed so need to apply for membership. Should we join that one and actually plan stuff there and maybe get more people in on the fun, or make a new one like "Expat Tallinn" or "Expat meetings Tallinn" or some funnier name? I´m all up for suggestions here.

And, if anyone want to add me on facebook, look for Hanna Holst, my name is no secret :-)


I'm a member there as well and joined one of their meetings last Saturday. The group is organised by a Belgium guy and I'm sure the like to meet new people as well - As far as I know, they organize a monthly meeting.


Well then, lets join them, I mean, there is no problem using that page to arrage more meetings if we want to :-)


Hi guys,

That was a really good evening, definiately need to keep it going. Hanna, it sounds like a good idea to ue an existing facebook group but maybe it would be polite to ask the admin first.
Hope to see you all again soon and if you want to find me I'm also on facebook. Look for Jon-Paul Barr.


I applied for membership, then I can see what is going on there ans talk to admin :-)


Maybe it would be good to create a new group as well? In that way we can attend that groups meetings and create other events as well if we want to?

Best Regards


It was really nice yesterday. I am looking forward to see all of you soon. And about FB group I think David has good idea. I support!


Yes, it was really nice yesterday.

Coffee with honey - thanks for the idea Hanna.

Besides creating a new group, I think we should continue posting threads here every time we arrange a new meeting. This way, the members of this forum will always be updated on the latest.


It surely was lovely to meet all of you.. and to understand once more, how small Estonia really is! ;)

Warm regards,


If Estonia has space for all of us than it's not small at all :)


Have now created an open group (can make it closed if wished) called "Expats in Tallinn/Estonia"


Tere everybody,

  What if we repeated the coffee meeting next weekend? Let´s say Sunday afternoon. Since it was so pleasant, I believe we could have a wonderful time. And of course, everyone else is welcome.
  What do you guys think?


I´m in!


I am going to Italy/Austria for a week, so have fun and see u in 2 weeks :-)

all the best,


I would love to come but I'm in Stockholm right now and will be back the 28:th. I'll be there next time.

Best Regards


So so far, me and sofia. what place, so we can post it on facebook? Maybe also in the other expat group .-)



How about 4pm? As for a place, you can choose Hanna. How about Jon, Birgit, Jan, Milos, Matilda? And of course, other members can join us. So, if you´re in Tallinn, come up for a coffee with us :)


Well, same procedure as last time :-) Kehrwieder and a cup of Meekohv? Of course if we get a space problem, we can move, there are lots of places close. Or would we prefer a pub?



For me, that´s perfect. I really enjoyed that place. :)
So, Sunday at 4pm at the front door?
How about the others? Are you guys up for a coffee?


Hi all,

I agree the same coffee place we were at is ideal. As I have to drive in to town a pub wouldnt be the best option :P
I hope to be able to make it to but wont know for sure until friday. Will let you know.


MissH82 EVENT! :-)



Hope you´ll be able to make it JP. :)
There are already some people who are coming. If anybody else would like to join us, you´re welcome. If you are new in Tallinn or who would like to meet other expats in the area, do not hesitate to come for a coffee.


Tere everybody,

Just would like to remind you that a group of expats is going to meet today, 20th February, in the old town, Raekoja Plats, at Kehrwieder café. You´re welcome to join us. :)
See you later.


SO, sunday? Was thinking pancakes at Kompressor this time (note: they only accept cash), and I can not stay to many hours this time as I´m in the middle of moving to a new flat. So maybe a bit earlier, around 14.30 or 15.00?

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