Im free from here

i am free ! goodbye changshu miserable town. i am being transferred to the shenzhen area ! south and warmer ! out of this misery. i have had pneumonia for the last 2 weeks and had to go to the hospital in wuxi for treatment. the hospital here does not see foreigners. imagine dying in this place, i almost did. my superior teacher told me to --walk 10 minutes down the street to a chinese word she texted me when i told her i was sick and needed medical care. --walk 10 minutes, it can't be any clearer than that. i don't read chinese. she says google it. isn't google illegal here? she says shes busy. im like sick lady. so it turns out the place she told me to 'walk' to in the 19* (F) weather is a hospital that is not open until next month. they are still building it. what would have happened if i did manage to find it after 'walking' there ? the next hospital down the road let me register and pay a fee only to tell me they do not see foreigners. no return of fee either. my daughters chinese friend came from wuxi so that is how all of this occurred. and she took me back to wuxi by car service since i could barely walk. and i spent the next few days being treated at the hospital there. i am not well yet, but i am  on the road i hope. i am not just some cranky person, this stuff cant be made up. there is something really wrong with people here. lets just say that trying to live with no heat in the winter nearly did me in. they just do not care. the children go to classes with no heat and keep their coats on all day. those that have coats. i taught them ''hot'' and ''cold'' so they would tell me every day they are cold. and hug me and their little bodies were like ice. i dont see it as character building or a difference of cultures. i see it totally different then they do. i dare not say what im really thinking but you all  can imagine. im sorry for the kids, because the majority of them are lovely and eager to learn but im out of here. its vacation time now. im off to my daughters to try to recover from this sickness, then im back to pack and move. they neglected to tell me the power will be off for a month here. what did they think i would do, just live with no power in the winter for a month ? and i wont mention the kitchen door just fell off (stuck in wall) so i had to climb through the window for 4 days in and out of that freezing cold room just for a cup of tea. nope. its all behind me now. im off to better days ahead. just wanted to thank those of you that extended your support to me throughout these last few months. it means a lot that you would even take the time to lend a shoulder and an encouraging word or two. i thought, these people i have never met  understand and kind of have my back. so here's to a better day. ill let you know when i know what its like to be in warmer weather. soon enough ill be complaining its too hot. the good thing is we have a couple of friends in the area im going to and i have also been there near by .. too so i wont be alone should i ever get sick again, not like here. that was scarey. not that i would have  but i just didn't expect someone to tell me well thats just too bad take care of yourself. my grandmother believed that you should treat people the way you want to be treated. i have always agreed with that thinking. i hope no one ever has to go through what i did. thanks everyone. ttyl

I'm guessing you didn't enjoy your stay.

I'm so happy for you. My experience is not so bad. I'm teaching in Hangzhou and lucky for me it's a beautiful city but just have a hard time with with ppl around. I'm always last to know about things in school n I have to keep asking as if I'm the busybody one. They want me to be involved with events but forget that I don't speak Nor understand Chinese.  They go thru scripts with any any vetting it which are written in English and Chinese and yet they try to correct it themselves. This is a never ending story.

hangzhou is a beautiful city. im used to the people speaking like im not even there. and they just do not care. they are self centered and also pretty jealous. you have modern places in the city you can go to and easy to use transportation.  my people have meetings there often so i got used to the subways. but i do see people in china want all of us foreigners to go away. here the english spoken by the teachers is horrible. they are teaching pronunciation that just is so wrong. it's not a ''bay-dah'' it's a bed. it drives me crazy that they think they are right. it also is not a ''score'' it's a school. and dare to try to correct them. like i was born and raised in america, i know how to speak english. you do not. but anyway, see if you can find any groups in  your area that are foreigners to attend events with. or at least observe. sometimes a local university has expat groups. i just got stuck in a town so remote from civilization, there is nothing here except the locals fear of me. like im going to steal all of china's secrets and put them in my pockets and run back home with them. one day i asked-- what river is that-- and the girl says to me, its not for you to know. its a river. i was like well screw you and your crazy lunacy.i hope things will get better for you. you can always message me if you want someone to talk to. ill be moving around for a few weeks but should be settled by mid feb. im sorry if people make you feel  bad, they make me feel bad too.

im in a miserable remote city where the locals want to hang me at high noon. dont even ask --what river is that-- dont ask anything. they are sure im a spy for the opposition and i will steal their country right out from under them. they are the most awful people i have ever met. and their knowledge of english is sorely lacking. i came here to teach, not steal the countries secrets. so it goes like this-- why do you have a 10 year visitor visa-- what did you do that for-- why would you come here--- ok so 1st of all, i now have a residents permit allowing me to work legally, for a year. i didnt ''do'' anything, your country gave me the 10 year visa, we dont tell them what to do and they do it. we do what they tell us to do---- and on and on and on, the most hateful people that walk this planet live in this town. never tell me anything, no help at all for me. they tell me the night before there is a week off holiday. ok so what am i going to do now with such short notice-- hummm nothing. im stuck here alone for a week-- thanks-. oh and dont defend them,please. they know exactly what they are doing. imagine going to work and no one talks to you--ever-- never--- so yes,  things didnt work out well.