Place to buy industrial chemicals

Anyone know a place or street to buy industrial chemicals in small quantities?
Specifically I was looking for borax, a common additive for cleaning products. I searched online but only found it sold in 25 kg bags. Thanks in advance for your help.

Most household uses for industrial chemicals can be completed using domestic products that are easily available in the shops.
If you can tell us what you wish to use it for, you might get better answers or possible alternatives.

I want to use the borax for an insecticide for ants.  I've read that borax mixed with sugar and water is a fairly safe alternative to chemical insecticides. Borax is used widely used in commercial ant bait traps.

I've heard of it being used on cockroaches so there's a pretty good chance you're on a winner if you can find it.

If you buy Borax, please come to KIM BIÊN market- Vạn Tượng street- ward 13, 5 distric- Ho chi minh city. There are very much- full all kind of industrial chemicals, wholesale and small sale.......

Thanks for the info Huong.  I'll check it out.