Fresh Fish Market near Aguadilla?

Is there a fresh fish market anywhere in or around Aguadilla? I've been trying to find one without any success, also is there a Farmers Market anywhere in Aguadilla?

Thanks for your help

If you go to crashboat all the way down to the right the guys down there sell fresh fish when they come in off the boats but its hit or miss.

There is a farmer's market in Rincon on Sundays.

Hi Butch,

There is a fish market and restaurant in Aguada called Casa Dorado.  It's a bit difficult to find, but our neighbors bought fresh Mahi Mahi from them and it was delicious...about $7-10/pound I think.

There is also a Farmer's Market on Saturdays in Aguadilla, but I haven't been there, as the one in Rincon is closer to us.

Good luck finding them, and please let us know how it goes! :)