
Brasil’s new hero

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Coruption is the problem at the base of all of Brasils woes. This man is standing against it. … story.html

See also

Living in Brazil: the expat guideDentist Recommendation in GoianiaWorking remote in BrazilBrazil's ex-President Lula convicted of corruptionBrazil's Michel Temer charged with corruption

While he truly is considered a hero by most Brazilians. Well, at least those who didn't vote for the Worker's Party, one must not forget that this is Brazil; a country where politically motivated assassinations are far from being unheard of.

I've learned how easy it is to tell when it's going to be an election year, simply by the body count. This is a municipal election year across Brazil and assassinations of encumbent mayors and councilmen, mayoral and council candidates, began several months ago.

I certainly wouldn't want to be this poor guy in another two years. You couldn't pay me that much!!!

James Experts Team


“Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable… Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.” MLK


Dear ol' Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. he sure nailed that one, didn't he?


Yes sir, sure don't need a calendar to know it's an election year.

Yet another assassination. Yesterday, João Gomes da Silva (PR) the 62-year old Mayor of Goianésia do Pará was gunned down when he arrived at a funeral. The shooter was waiting inside for him to arrive, and after firing the shots, fled with the help of a man on a motorcycle waiting outside. Gomes da Silva had been in office since 2013.

This country makes the "Wild West" look like a picnic in the park by comparison.

James Experts Team



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