
works permit & visas

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sir this is ajay.n.meshram   I  am citizen of Indian was to move abroad like Indian ocean
Maldives, Mauritius & Senegal    ,………….
Therfore ,……… I am working as a freelancer flair bartender like private party ,events & set up the bar
Perhaps,…… I want to now how much u take return ticket charge if there is cancellation

Option,………about the works visas & permit as well accommodation,…………….
    I will be grateful to u sir     

  Thanking you,

Yours faithfully

See also

Visas for SenegalID card for foreignerGetting Senegalese citizenshipWorking in Senegal (work visa/permit etc.)Senegal Nationality

I need information about Senegal work Visa for Pakistani passport living in Pakistan.


shafi_khan0175 wrote:

I need information about Senegal work Visa for Pakistani passport living in Pakistan.

u dont worry jus contact direct on my maill addy ok.


ajaowunmi > could you please participate "for real" on the forum instead of giving your email address ?


senegal is ok everything is free just add me in your face book so that i will tell you about senegal ok. thanks


Hi stanleymacloo,

It would be much appreciated that you give the useful information on the forum so that our members can benefit from it and participate in this discussion.

Thank you,
Best regards,


As far as I know, you must have some sort of statement papers from an employer, or business formation papers to get a work visa. If you are in Dakar you can get the information at the Police de Etrangers in Dieuppeul.


Hi everyone, it seems to be a bit confusing the process for the following visa extension:

For the non UE members, when the tourist visa of 3 months expired, what are the requirements to extend for another 3 months?
I don´t think that the "police des étrangers" may extend it.
However, I called a departement named Division de la Surveillance et des Visas (DSV)Adresse

Place Washington - BP 4002 - Dakar


33 889 36 91 / 33 889 91 00

Du lundi au vendredi de 8 heures à 16 heures

A guy working there called Barry said the following not cleared requirements:

- Original et copy of the passport
- If married, copy of the mariage certificate
- Copy or proof of place of staying ( hotel or tenant appartment contract).

The weird thing is that he did not mention anything about the fee that applies. Anyone knows about it?



I am a US Citizen, and also contacted the Senegalese embassy in Washington DC.  (Spoke with Rebecca).  She indicated to get a longer visa *(beyond the 3 months that's automatically granted) you would need to send the following:
- filled out form from their website (pdf)
- passports
- copy of airline tickets
- documents indicated hotel or address of housing you'll be staying
- why you'll be there?
- visa request letter(s) from: current employer, those you'll be working with, any others

That was it.

I also contacted a person working for a large international aid NGO with operations in Senegal, and they recommended just coming to Senegal on the normal visa, and then applying while I am in Dakar.

I'm not entirely sure what the right approach is.

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