I thought UNICEF and a load of other NGO's got booted out a while back?
Please stop spinning facts in order to advance your intolerance. As you are well aware, NGOs were never allowed in Libya and therefore can't have been "booted out". The UN (which is not an NGO) operates here and has for a very, very long time. Whether they were ever made to leave Libya in the past I don't have information, but it seems extremely doubtful because to do so would be tantamount to Libya renouncing its membership in the UN. A particular agency can be ordered to leave if the government decides they don't want the UN's help with the issue that agency was helping them with (that happened earlier this year when the refugee agency, which was helping deal with African migrants, was told to leave-see link below). But Libya, being a member of the UN, simply can't kick the UN out of the country unless they were actually leaving the UN.
Again, please stop spinning facts to advance your agenda. You hate Libya, we get it already. You really don't need to remind us by taking shots at the country every single chance that comes your way.