
New in Erbil kurdistan

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Hi all am new in Erbil kurdistan one week old here.
I am a Healthcare Professional.

See also

Living in Iraq: the expat guideWho can help us with the language ?are there indian families in ErbilExpat Gathering in ErbilHow many expats are in Iraq?
aide donor

Hi progress :) welcome to erbil, hope u enjoy life here in erbil :)


@ progress > Maybe you can tell us a bit more on your expat experience? How is life in Erbil?


Priscilla  :cheers:


Hi  Priscilla
Ebil is Good! One thing and first thing I noticed here is that the people are very friendly!
It's  peaceful too and there is night life here.
Erbil is more peaceful and crime free than most countries the news on air about kurdistan and the fighting here is being overblown.


Hi there, welcome to erbil, it is safe and sound here, the ramadan will be over after about 20 days, you can enjoy a good german beer at the german beer garden or hit Palmera for partying, in the day time just to know your way around, head down to the city center to see the citadel and have a look around just in case you need anything to buy, things are cheaper in the city center, in case of emergencies pay these hospitals a visit ( Rozh halat emergency hospital and Rozh awa emergency hospital), according to your location.

Regarding restaurants, most of them just charge for the food, except a few restaurants in 5 star hotels which have minimum charge.

There are a few gyms like (esporta) near Naz city .

Let me know if you want to know more




Indeed they're ok and very respectful folk, but Sulaymania is way better in terms of modernity, education, demographically diverse. Erbil is more tribal kind of society and I guess westerners will feel more relaxed in Sulaymania. Additionally, woman are way more free here than in Erbil, besides the safty.
Good luck!
PS. The abovementioned comment meant no promotion to neither sides by all means, merely a personal opinion based on former experiences.


Hi Progress, My name is Murthy, I'm looking for Job in Erbil can you help me please?


Hi everyone,

@ Murthypanga, you should create your cv in the Jobs in Iraq section of the website for better visibility.

All the best,


Sorry I am no longer in Erbil Kurdistan





You just saw my message of 2015.


Anyway thanks for welcoming me.

But I am no.longer in Erbil.

Thanks once again