
British International School Mosul Road Kurdistan BISK

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Rucked off


I have two British friends who just left the British International School, Mosul Road, Kurdistan.  I am considering contracts for next year.  My friends said the school was badly managed, they were told they were going to be moved out of their accomodation in the middle of term (into really basic tiny rooms), there were drugs and a paedophile in the school last year (a Brit who they didn't report to the school authorities), and there is a video of a current teacher being chased around the classroom by a ligher wielding student.  The headteacher last year (a Brit) didn't report the Brit paedophile to  the British authorities,nor did she tell the boy's parents.  Could all of this really be true?

I wwas thinking of applying to them...

See also

Living in Iraq: the expat guideWill my kid be bullied because of her skin color?English School in SulaymaniahLearning ArabicIraq English schools.

Which part encouraged you to apply?

Rucked off

I guess at least I know what I am getting into. I have heard lots of stories about the Middle East, about people not getting paid, about sexual harassment, about contracts meaning nothing.  At least I know I am going to a situation where they tolerate low standards.  That way, as an inexperienced teacher, I will look famazing in comparison to those standards.


hi zappinu,

thanks for all your info. Like rucked off, I'm also planning to sign a one year contract with them. But, upon reading your recent post here I'm not quite sure now if I'm going with it. Is it really a terrible thing to work there? Thanks



I would just like to know the average salary of a teacher in an international school. I have a bachelor's degree and CELTA. I also have over 3 years of teaching experience


The British pedophile was a Canadian pedo named Sinan Hadi from Canada. You ca Google it, it is true, they hired him. At least Frano Ivezaj, who also has a court record for stealing money from a High School i Michigan hired him. Google Search, you will find the court records and the conviction of Sina Hadi. Recently, they just convicted Nicholas Claytong of the british School in Dohuk for sexually abusing 131 children. A couple years ago, the British School in suleimania kidnapped a teacher, Vaessa Powell.

Google Search. And good luck.


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