Ethiopia has NOT closed out International adoption. None Ethiopian still do and are able to adopt from Ethiopia, the screening is very detailed and the overall process is very difficult (but what is not difficult that is good). There are many expats including myself have adopted some domestically and some using International adoption agencies. Depending on your origin, if you come from country that has license agencies, then Ethiopia government (not sure how firm they are currently) but requests that you use an agency, even if you live here. But if you come from country that has no agencies licensed in Ethiopia to process adoption, then you are technically qualified to adopt domestically. The hardest things is actually finding trustworthy orphanage that could work with you to identify child in need within your age, gender and other aspects of the child and your desire and hope. Well, know it is possible; one place/office to visit and ask some questions is the Ministry of Woman and Social Affairs (federal one in Addis assuming you are in Addis). I might be able to answerer some specific questions for you, though not always fond communicating much in this site, since there some who seem not to make sense.