
back to DURBAN South Africa, THE Q on my mind is am i home?

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little did i know that coming home to South Africa after living in Georgia the former soviet state. I realized how alike we are all as  a global family. The way to do things, the way we express emotions and the way we take ourselves so seriously.

Growing up in South Africa was totally great and living in a foreign country felt strangely normal and this got me to think deeply about where my home is? whenever people asked me where home was? i often said 'South Africa off course' in some cases 'Durban'.. But is that really true? living as somewhat of an  undiagnosed  or undefined expat, i must say that home is where you find yourself in the world.

I recently asked a mate this same question; who's living and working in Korea - the west-friendly one. And he said 'Durban', when his parents are and where is shit goes down and loses his mind or runs out of money he can always go back to home with free housing and food from mom and dad. Well i then asked him what if his parents sell the house and move to a foreign country, where is home then?

Well i haven't heard from him so i wait to hear what his response will be.


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Hi nka.sishi !

Welcome to!



Home for me is Kenya where I was born and brought up. Where my grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, sisters and brothers can still be found. Where I mingle and speak my language and feel at home literally. Where I might want my ashes scattered. Very sentimental, home is.

Having said that I left Kenya many years ago, my 3 children have been born in 3 different countries but now they consider South Africa home. I am making a home for them here but if they are anything like me, they maybe scattered all over the globe and they will make their own homes where they chose.

Home is where your heart is and where you chose to make it.

Nikki D

an interesting question indeed.

I think that any South African who has lived abroad would feel the same as you do.

Home is where I have a good community around me, people who care for me and that I can care for, and wherever I can raise my children to become the best people they can be!

Of course, South Africa is my first love! But, I feel I can have a home anywhere in the world too.


I'm only an expat for 4 weeks now so I definitely still say Durban is home! Leaving has made me realize how much I love SA. It's not just the friends (who are mostly in UK now) and family but the place itself. I miss hearing Zulu and Afrikaans. I miss the beach, the smiles, even the holding on tight to your handbag. I miss the "boiling pot" of mixed cultures and religions. I have lived in SA for 31 years, but I still don't think I'll ever be able to call anywhere else truly home but SA no matter how long I am gone. But I am suffering terrible culture shock and homesickness at the moment so I might be biased ;) But I think you know in your heart where home is. Where your heart longs to be :) x


I left when I was 17.  Quite a bit has changed since then.

Home is wherever my family lives.  If only they would move to Tahiti.


I left SA 11 years ago age 23. Lived in west Cork - Ireland, Dublin Ireland, Tortosa-Spain, Cambridge UK, and a few other towns across UK and Scotland. I eventually found where we live now and knew this was home. It ticked all the boxes, my family was/is happy. There are things and people I dont like but have made the effort to either engage, or get to know them better or do what it takes to get involved. I can honestly say I'm very happy where I live albe it has taken me 7 years to find "home" I'm here.
When I left SA, I was terribly home sick for the first 6 moths...even missed the crime!!. You will find (and this is something I have seen MANY times but couples who immigrate, and only couples where both are South African are nearly 90% chance they will return to SA. There is that constant pinning and yearning for everything south african, and ooo, dat couple can like to be south erika!! quick, quick we must meet and braai and talk about kak fings in dis shit cold country.

You either have a personality that can adapt and embrace change or you don't. Nothing wrong with either, I was bored in SA, love it Europe. Can fully understand why people love SA, just not for me!

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