Fresh out of the Canadian deep freeze - looking for friends

Hi everyone.

Last thursday morning i left Calgary, Alberta, where the temp. was -5 deg C and there was about 10 cm of snow on the ground. What a change! I'm here basically alone - i brought my parrot, but he's a terrible conversationalist - he only knows 2 words: hi and mercury (his name).

This isn't my 1st time living overseas. I was in Qatar from about may 2011 to may 2012. But that was different - i was teaching at a satellite campus of the university of calgary, where all faculty are canadian and all live in the same apartment building. It was impossible not to make fast friends - we were all in the same boat.

It might be the jetlag, but i'm feeling like a fish out of water - mind you, a big white fish that towers over most of the other women around me! I know the best cure for homesickness is to get involved, so that's why i'm on this forum. I'd like to meet people from all cultures, and especially other north americans.

ABOUT ME: super outgoing and friendly, wildlfe biologist (i'll be teaching conservation bio at NUS), into travel, photography, nature, dance (+++ anyone want to go to zoukout?), music (guitar, piano, singing) and skiing (which i'll miss terribly).

Let me also specify (not sure if necessary) that i'm not doing the mating dance. I have a BF and i'm keeping him! But he's still in calgary and for the time being, we're doing the LDR-thing.



Welcome to Joanna! And welcome to SG. =)

Thanks dude!

Welcome to Singapore Joanna! Count me in for zoukout :)

Hello Joanna.

Welcome to! :)


bonjour aurélie et merci pour ton message. t'es la première mauricienne que j'ai jamais connue - as-tu l'intention de venir à singapour ? j'avoue - je suis fascinée par l'île maurice et surtout par la faune unique qui s'y trouve.



Welcome to Singapore!  Have you checked out any of the Canadian Association of Singapore events?  It's a quick way to meet people (Canadians and other nationalities).

thanks! i did briefly check it out, but will have another look. how awesome it must've been growing up in nwt. so cool.

batgirlinsingapore wrote:

bonjour aurélie et merci pour ton message. t'es la première mauricienne que j'ai jamais connue - as-tu l'intention de venir à singapour ? j'avoue - je suis fascinée par l'île maurice et surtout par la faune unique qui s'y trouve.



Hello batgirlinsingapore.

Maybe one day I'll visit Singapore.

PS: This is an Anglophone forum. Can we please continue communicating in english? :)

Thank you,

oops, my bad - i'm so used to switching between english and french. of course we can!

Hi batgirlinsingapore

welcome to SG. How do you like it so far? I see you like singing. Maybe we can go for a karaoke one day?