A girl from Barcelona wants to meet new people and speak in English :)

Hi everybody!

I'm an Spanish girl from Barcelona and I'm 25 years old. I would like to meet new people, specially foreign people more or less of my same age in order to improve my English and make new friends.

So I wait your texts :)


Hi Venusbcn,

welcome to Expat.com! :)

Thanks Christine :)

Hi Venus,

I'm Adrian, I saw your message. I have lots of netive english speaking friends and they also want to improve their spanish.

We should all meet and have a drink together some time during the week end.

Here is my facebook: "adrian Lo Camo"

See you soon


I have sent you a private message!


I am a spanish girl as well but have been living abroad half my life, I actually find it hard to come up with the right word in Spanish when talking to someone and I say it in English expecting they will understand...
I feel silly.

I would love to meet up if you feel like it, I am an English teacher so I know my way around the language :)



I think that it's a good idea!!
Usually I only can up from monday to thursday because on weeekends I usually go to Tarragona with my boyfriend. I know it's easier to meet up on weekends but for example, there are some Fridays I'm here, just like tomorrow.

I know it's precipitate, but would you like to meet up tomorrow evening or night? I would tell it to more people who could be interested. If not, we could meet another day, but if anybody can meet tomorrow I'm free :)

I can meet up from Monday to Thursday (sorry, I forgot a word :) )

I am trying to find the way to message you privately

I still do not know whether I can meet tomorrow or not, I would love to, though!
What about you give me your Skype address and we stay in touch? I will know for sure around noon

Sorry, I don't have skype, but if you want we can stay in touch by facebook or msn :)

I've created a page in Facebook if you want to stay in touch there:


Great idea! I just joined :)

I don't use msn, but I will be around Facebook for sure

For me tomorrow evening is fine .... :)

aryan007, do you have facebook?

yes send me a frnd request......:)
So r u guys planning 2morrow?

Well, maybe people can't meet up today, we're going to leave some more hours and if not we can set another day, don't you think Ary? :)

Yes you r right venus...... people please post if r ok at today and with time say otherwise we may set it for another day :)

Hi! "ravalgirl" and i are in! when and where? :)

Hi Julie!

Let's see if anyone else would join today :) For now we're 4 who can, right? ^^

Where do you live in Barcelona?

me? i live in sants :) yeah, lets see if anyone else would like to join. if not we can always do this another day :)

A friend of mine would come with us today too so by now we're 5 :)

In case we meet today, what would you like to do? and where we can meet?

Lets make the plan B for next week....as today is a rainy day and 2morrow some of us dont want...:) I live in sant cugat if u guys want to meet in sant cugat its awesome otherwise we can plan for a good bar in barcelona :)

Happy Weekend to all :)


Hi everyone,

Name is Gabby and interested in joining in. Been in Barcelona for two weeks now and have settled in the Bonanova area. If any one is interested in meeting up, I'm more than happy to get together here in Spain, as I'm still fairly new to the city. I'm a USA native from California and speak fluent English and Spanish.

Skype: gabrielachamu

Hi all, it's great to have found this board with like-minded people.

I live in a small town about an hour from barcelona on the train, but love coming to Barcelona on weekends quite regularly. Am coming this weekend so let me know if anyone fancies meeting for coffee or something. will be around Saturday or Sunday.. (or if not, maybe some other weekend!)


hi all
i'm foreign from spain and will visite barcelona for business next week
i want to meet new freinds


I'm a local as well! I spent last year in the US and would like to keep speaking in English with other people! Also, I think meeting foreign people is a quite enriching experience!

Just joined the facebook page! :)

Take care,

Nice, maybe we could arrange something for next weekend if you guys feel like it...

Hi everyone,

Hope you all are well!

I would like to meet new people and since I just got started on my Spanish I need all the practice I can get! I am Swedish and moved to Barcelona one month ago for work, so very new in town. I am free to join in next weekend :)

Hope to see you soon!


I am travelling to Barcelona, December 17th I will be there, looking for a nice friend can speak English and help me to explore Spain, in return I will offer her to visit my country of residence and give me chance to proof a good friendship.


You can send me email


Hi Venus,

seem you got so many offers, I am from Kingdom of Bahrain,
visiting Spain for Christmas and Newyear, i will reach Barcelona on 18th December, still looking for a flat:)
any chance we can meet after 18th,



I'm living just outside Barcelona and in out and regularly. I'm new to the city as well been here for a few weeks now. Originally from Australia, been living in London, and travelling around Europe for the last 6 months i am looking to make new friends and also improve (pretty much learn from scratch) Spanish! Let me know when you have free time and we can hang out.


Hey everyone, I'm going to jump in and basically say the same that the others here are saying: I want to improve my Spanish and meet new people! :) I'm a Norwegian girl living in Barcelona, teaching English and enjoying life. Let me know if anything is up next weekend, I would love to join.
See you soon!

Hi guys!!

Me too!! I want to meet people in BCN! English, spanish, finnish.. i don't care! I have been here in BCN almost a year now, and I desperately need amigos! :) I'm 26-year-old finnish girl, studying russian, making eyelash extensions and looking for a job.

I'm up for anything: sports, coffee, beer, party! :)


I'm going to this event on Sunday if anyone is up for it...


That event sounds great! Would have to check if Ill be off work that afternoon, but im definitely interested. Would be nice if we could make a group thing out of it.



I intend to visit Bcn in April 2013. Though I am 57 Years of age but really someone very friendly person.

How about meeting once?

Hey !guys I want to join me in this!!!we should make a meetup!=)

i am sufyan from barcelona