Moving to Riyadh

Good day expatriates:D

hOpe everyonE wilL be doIng fIne :cool:

I'm mOving to Riyadh in couple of days my office location is near exit 18 :/ need some guidelines that where should i move in for accommodation? :/ because i've never been to Riyadh before :(

hOpe to maKe nEw frIends theRe :D CheErx:)


Ali Zeeshan ;)

Welcome Zeeshan to Riyadh !! :)

ThaNkx maTe :cool:

buT i NeeD sUm iNfo aBout ExIt 18 :/ aS mY OffIce LOcaTion is at eXit 18 so WhiCh pLaCe i shOuld mOve iN foR aCcOmoDatIon :/

South west of Riyadh. Areas like Al-Mansoura, Al-Yamamah, Al-Azizyah are the places nearby. Al-Mansoura is a good place to live comparatively though west of Riyadh, generally, is one of the bad parts of the city.