
american girl trying to help her dutch man come live with her ..

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julia mccall

plz help.. my man is a netherlands national he has 15 years experance in  electrical mantaince.. we are trying to move to western north carolina. what i need to know is can we get married on arrival and how do i go about getting him his green card thanks for ur help it all seems alot over whelming as we  tried to  immagrate me to netherlands but  it  seems very hard in a simple way. he speaks english  very well and i just  need to know for sure  how this is done

See also

Living in the USA: the expat guideOpportunities to build a meaningful career in the USACost of living in the USA in 2025How to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in the USANew members of the USA forum, introduce yourselves here - 2025

Hi Julia and welcome to!

Do not hesitate to browse through the forum, it may help you.;)

Good luck,


This probably isn't the right website for your question.  I'll send you a PM with a link to a site that is a gathering place for people seeking US fiancée and spousal visas.

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