
Food from Home

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What food do you all miss the most from home?

For me- it would definitely be biltong from SA. I miss it being mainstream in all the supermarkets- anyone who thinks beef jerky is an acceptable alternative has never tried South African biltong!!

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Welcome to nchemel!

I also like biltong, so delicious.;)



Thanks Harmonie :)

Do you buy biltong here in the US anywhere?


Welcome to nchemel! :)

I also like biltong. :)

Harmonie and myself are part of the team.

I hope someone will advise you where you can find biltong in US.



Thanks Christine!

I am also wondering what foods other people find they miss most when they move to America? From all other countries too!


Now that I'm in the U.S., I naturally miss Thai food. But Thai grocery stores are almost in every state here. So I can "home-make" my Thai beef jerky. Hope you can find a good recipe to make your own biltong. Any particular meat that you care for? You'll be surprised at how many ranchers are out there catering to "ethnic" communities. I even found a halal goat meat butcher in Omaha, Nebraska. When living in Kansas,I frequented Queen's Pantry, a British tea shop and grocer. Even in small towns in the Midwest United States!

I was crazy for piri piri sauce for a while since having spent a couple of years on and off the southern parts of the African continent. Even bought one bottle from a supermarket in Johannesburg and brought it back to the U.S.

I also like hibiscus tea which it's very popular in North Africa. It's called bissup In West Africa and karkade in the other East side of the Sahara, like Sudan.

Rooibos tea, anyone?


Hi nchemel, harmonie, christine. greetings.
I live in southern california and have friends from south africa. They get a lot of South African foods from a place called African Hut in Mission Viejo. I am sure I have seen it there. You may look them up.
All the best.

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