
Moving from Lebanon to Cyprus



I am Lebanese looking to move with my wife and 2 year old son to live in Cyprus.

i am currently working remotely so the move won’t affect my income or my job status.

can anyone help me breakdown the living cost for a family of 3, i have no preference on the city what is best to move to (Paphos, Limassol ..)

Thank you in advance

Serge Dagher

See also

Living in Cyprus: the expat guidePrudential pension in UKMUKW3 AppointmentAdvice on Larnaca AreaPassport matter

3.5k to 4k euros per month including rent , food , health insurance, car insurance in peyia near coral bay beach area .


Hi Serge,

Your biggest expense will be renting, not sure your budget but Limassol is most expensive, Larnaca is cheaper, Paphos is more a holiday/retirement destination.

You can get idea of prices by looking checking Bazaraki, nearly all properties for rent can be found there.

I would allow around 500 euro a month for various bills, electric, water, car insurance, medical, etc.

You need to visit for a couple of weeks and can view the whole island to see what suits you best.




Just read dvd623 post, think 3.5 to 4k a little of an over estimate, as example car insurance for a mercedes AMG fully comp 500 euro a year, mitsubishi mirage 212 euro a year 3rd party, 2 bed flat in Limassol around 1500 euro, Larnaca around 1000 euro, cheaper is you go further from sea.



Have you already taken steps to take residency here and do you meet those requirements.


car hire now 15 euro a day, in summer 50 euro a day


@Toon hey no not yet i am still checking the feasability finance wise


@graham6 you think around 2.5k would work in larnaca ?


@SergeDa temp res visa requirements are €2400 p/m for a couple so it would be €2800 for the 3 of you. apart from your rental costs your chosen lifestyle will dictste how much more you need to spend. Stay out of the cities to reduce your housing costs,


@simoningram so before going into the living cost we have 2.8k res visa and then we can think about the living cost (rent, car, … )


@SergeDa €2800 per month is the minimum amount required to apply for the temp res visa. i believe they will also require an amount deposited into a local bank account. you will also need to prove a long term rental agreement when applying. all info is available on Cyprus Gov website.


@simoningram perfect i will check it out

Thank you so much for your response


In think its €30k into a Cyprus bank account plus blood tests for Hep B Hep C HIV Syphillis and x ray for tb. All earnings must reach the minimum And must be proved at renewal each year for 5 years

Full private healthcare  cover including repatriation

Digital nomad visa for 12 months with option to go to 24 months  you must earn minimum €3.5k per month....

It's much easier if your partner is EU national.....if not then lots of hoops to jump thru as a third country national.... Best advice get a fixer you.navigate the application process ... Money well.spent takes the anxiety frustration and  delays out of the process.. not all but most


Did you consider going to north cyprus? Euro2000 will be sufficient. Rents are a little cheaper. Health care much cheaper.  Financial requirements for visa similar to the south if renting. Much less if you own property.

Karen Whyte48

@graham6 I hear you, but since moving to the Paphos area 2 years ago we are now seeing & meeting younger people & families moving here, which is great. 😁 And Paphos is a lovely place, far more chilled out (& less traffic!!) than other 'cities'. But each to their own, & there is somewhere for everyone. When we arrived here we travelled the island before making any decisions.


@Toon Thank you for this


@pete21 did not consider this i will look into it Thank you


Choose somewhere close to a bus route and a local shop nearby, you can manage well with buses and occasional car hire.  Food delivery from supermarkets cuts down shopping trips. We have been in the Paphos area for over a year without a car. Eat what the locals eat and that cuts your food bills, some little shops are cheaper than the supermarkets.  Biggest cost is rentals (600 to 1500).   eg. 3 bedroom bungalow on Tomb of Kings Rd with best bus service 1000 euros on  A lot of landlords are putting up their rents. However, groceries are a bit part of our bills I spend around 400 in supermarkets each month.  Water and electricity is not so pricy if your home is insulated for winter.  50-100 for electricity (before we got solar) every 2 months and water 20+ Ask about previous billls when renting. 


Yes you can rent in larnaka for 600 - 800 month for 2 bed, not sure about immigration requirements regarding money but 2,500 euro is enough for living in larnaca, I am in Limassol, but if was looking now would definitely check out larnaka, central location so easy to get to most places … t-to-rent/


@lshill makes sense it all depends on how your lifestyle thank you so much for the answer


Paphos ...I would suggest 2500 per month too... But like others have said it all depends on your expected lifestyle and chosen location within the disrict