Thinking of retiring to Costa Rica

Hi All,

My name is Millie and my husband and I are thinking of moving to Costa Rica. We are planning to travel there soon to scout places to live. We are interested in renting for now. Any advice on where the safest urban locations to look at?



The more south, the more rural. The further from SJ, the safer. All depends on what you want. Living with ticos or with gringos.


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Hello everyone,

@ Millie, welcome on board !

Do you have any preference ? Maybe you could provide some more details on the type of region/neighbourhood you are looking for ?

You may also read the Living in Costa Rica guide for expats for first-hand infos.

All the best


@miligo63,Why even consider Costa Rica if you are coming for urban living ? Crowed,congested,smelly and not even safe !

If you want safe, warm urban living I would suggest looking at Merida Mexico. I have been to Liberia, San Jose and La Fortuna and they all seemed dirty and unsafe.

If you want safe, warm urban living I would suggest looking at Merida Mexico. I have been to Liberia, San Jose and La Fortuna and they all seemed dirty and unsafe.

Mexico? Did the Cartels leave?

I used to love going to Mexico until it became too unsafe.

@miligo63 - Love to help you! We've built a survey that can help you refine what is really important to you (vs. what seems like fun). Feel free to send me an email and let's connect! ***

Excited to have you join us in Costa Rica!

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Good morning,

All help welcome,



I'm thinking of moving Costa Rica. I'm really just in the starting out phase. I've been threatening to leave the country if Trump got reelected and that is looking more and more likely. So, for the past couple of days I've been looking for places to go and have pretty much decided on Costa Rica. I'd appreciate any tips and advice. I'd really like someplace that is semi-rural. Chickens and maybe a goat or two. But close enough to drive a short way for shopping. Or maybe not drive. I don't know. People talk about places as unsafe, but I'm from Los Angeles! I've also heard about bad traffic. Again, I'm from LA. Aggressive drivers? I see one in the mirror every morning lol. (I'm from LA). I don't have a lot of money (basically no savings and here, I have to work to be able to just barely survive on Social Security and my 2 other jobs. Any advice would be appreciated.

I speak Spanish very poorly for a native Californian. I know a lot of words but have trouble stringing them together into sentences. But I could probably get better if I had to try to speak it every day.

Thanks Kathy F


'Dirty' is not a word that anybody would associate with La Fortuna... except maybe you. 

Can you give some testimonial as to what it was that made you think it was dirty???   

It is a really small town, and kitschy and touristy... but not remotely Dirty.  It is a popular destination not only for tourists, but for Costa Ricans on long weekends... especially with their kids.  If you find La Fortuna to be dirty... then Disney must be a garbage dump... not to mention Every single Large City on the FACE of the planet.

Plus... it isn't even remotely 'urban' (less than 20K people)... so why include it in this thread????

Take your meds, please.


Hello... you sound like the perfect person for jumping ship and coming down here.   I can (and others too!!) give you really good advice and even our own 'testimonials' because we've done it and are living here happily.  I'm a 'fellow' big city USA person so I understand all of your questions.  I jumped the Trump ship during round 'one'.

First... you really should spend some time reading some of the forum posts; regardless of the originator's question or title... Basically, the way the forum works is that somebody posts a question or issue, and then the conversation takes many unexpected 'turns' and other subjects get discussed.   So you never know wat you'll find... but try your best to ignore the Negative Nellies... some don't even live here.

Look at posts from 'daveandmarcia' and 'terryand bev' for good Advice and how they've navigated life here.

I will send you a private 'message' via the Forum (in your emial) to communicate with you off line... so that I can answer some of your questions and basic inquiries without the miserables infecting the conversation (as seen in this thread already).


Hello Millie!!!

So... as far as real 'urban' is considered... San Jose is the only 'metropolitan' area in CR.  It's like many other Latin American cities... there are good areas and bad areas... The urban center can be a bit sketchy... and of course, not very pretty.  Daytime is safer than nighttime... but most of the neighborhoods or 'barrios' that surround the center of SJ can be not so kosher at night... or even during the day in spots.  There are lovely 'suburbs' that aren't too far away, or even good solid 'working class' areas that aren't pretty, but not considered dangerous.  Expats that end up in SJ are generally living in the really nice suburbs. 

To the immediate west of SJ are 'towns' that feel authentic and 'country'... but are WITHIN a close enough proximity to San Jose to enjoy amenities like Hospitals, shopping, airport, etc.   Look at posts from people in Grecia, or Sarchi, or even Atenas (a bit further away).

CR does have a few smaller cities...

Liberia in the north is in the province of Guanacaste and has it's own Int'l airport.  It's the 'gateway' to the beaches of the north Pacific coast, as well as being a travel 'point' for going to/from Nicaragua.  The US state dept. quite often puts Liberia on the 'list' of places that are not safe for tourists.  It is hot there; just so you know.

More central in the 'north' are the cities of San Ramon (one hour west of the SJ airport) and ciudad Quesada... about 2.5 hours north of the airport.  They are busy towns with lots of activity, as they are the county 'seats' of their Cantons (like a small state) and provide all services that one would need.  I believe San Ramon has around 85K people, and Quesada around 65K people.  Both 'cities' are hubs for public transportation to their surrounding areas... as well as multiple busses daily to the Airport and San Jose... like more than 2 per hour.  The cities themselves are considered safe... there may be an iffy neighborhood here and there... but you'll know it when you see it.  I know both places and like being there.  San Ramon is a 'market' town that is good for walking in...and everybody is selling things everywhere you look... good food options; hospital, etc.  It feels 'young' to me.  Very nice central park. 

Quesada is a 'rich' town on the side of an extinct volcano.  It is meat and Dairy country... and the official 'gateway' to the north.  People all across central northern CR use Quesada for their needs... from healthcare to banking, legal services, higher education,  shopping; Auto dealerships; good migracion office; etc.  The surrounding area offers a plethora of interesting towns and hamlets... both high up for cooler temps, as well as in the, lower, massive valley to it's west.   about 90 minutes to the NW is La Fortuna... you can see the Volcano there (Arenal) from the city of Quesada.  You can find a lot of 'wilderness' type things to see and do within an hour of Quesada... from natural hot water termales, to impressive waterfalls, river-rafting, rainforests, volcanos, and nature/wildlife reserves.

I don't think Quesada is a 'pretty' town in the least... but it delivers when it comes to amenities.  They have a professional soccer team... and like I said... it's rich.  Nothing to see Rangerovers, porches, BMW's and all sorts of massive pickup trucks and such.  I would, in the future, Happily move to either Quesada or San Ramon.

Central South you'll find San Isidro-General... a good elevation for reasonable temps, and is the 'location' for amenities for that general part of southern CR that is west of the mountains.  People who live in/near the southern pacific coast towns use SIG for hospital; shopping and such.   I was there and I liked it too.  4 hours to airport???  not sure.

On the Caribbean coast is Limon city.  There isn't much else on that coast... some smallish beach villages to the south until you get to Puerto Viejo which isn't a city... but a great place to take a relaxing break from the world.  Limon is also on the state dept's list of places to avoid as a tourist.  ???   We hear very little about it on the forum... the local news covers food and music festivals there... it has a more Afro-Carib feel to it.  North of Limon is pretty much all a coastal wetland and is either a nature preserve (Tortuguerro) or protected indigenous lands.

There are other smaller cities and big towns... Nicoya (town) is further west; Cartago is a high-up suburb/town east of San Jose (popular retirement place for Ticos returning to their native CR from abroad for retirement) ... but mostly the country has towns and villages. 

Not sure what you consider 'urban' to be... but if you want skyscrapers, museums, opera houses and theatres...    Maybe Spain??

Enjoy your search.