Are there Dance Rehearsal Studio for Rent?

Heyyy, my friends and I want to learn some dances together and make it more convenient by renting out a dance rehearsal studio and looking into those reflections. It's a hassle that every time we dance, we'd have to record it and hope that we were in sync and doing the moves right. So we're wondering if there's any studios out there that we can rent per hour or something,

We've tried googling a couple times, but all we get are dance classes, which we don't really want. We just wanna rent the studio.

Any ideas?

@Jude777 there might be a place in Mangaf you can rent out. 

Let me know what day during the week you need the area and from what time to what time? And how many people will attend your dance sessions.  And I'll ask if the place is available and how much they charge .

Hello, yes, you can find their Instagram account called Harmony Academy, their location is in Kuwait City.

Hi, I think better books in salmiya rents out it's studio space on an hourly basis. Let me know if you're still looking for a place, I can check with them and get back to you.


look for "dance studios", and then approach the actual location. I know there are a ton of places in Kuwait, I can put you in touch with a friend of mine, he teaches Dance at several places. I know there are many, for starters, try LOYAC. or LAPA LOYAC, they have classes, just tell them you want to rent their hall for dance.