Become a teacher without B.Ed

Hello, I am European female fluent in English language. I would like to get a job in teaching but I don't have a B.Ed. I have bachelor degree in environmental and public health and masters degree in Environmental engineering. I would like to teach early years in primary school or science, math, P.E....

I have no experience in classroom or teaching certificate. Does anybody have any suggestions? Can I get a teaching certificate in Kuwait? I know how big my goals are, but I am living in Kuwait and struggling to get a job in environmental engineering as an Fresh graduate female with little experience.

@beccasm201 Hi without being the person who stomps on your dreams what makes you want to teach other than financial necessity? Unless you are fluent in Arabic you would need to get a post in a private International school and what parent would want their children taught by someone who is learning on the job?

I have taught for 36 years at high school level but I don't think I could just go and teach primary without retraining. I can tell you from experience that Kuwait is cracking down on expat teachers and even in private schools teachers with Beds or pgcses are not allowed to teach any other subject. Eg a structural engineer who had a teaching qualification from uk wasn't allowed to teach Maths.

I hope I haven't offended you but you need to have an honest insight into education in Kuwait.

Best wishes for the future

@beccasm201 i'd get a teaching certificate from abroad first, then look into finding a suitable school in Kuwait. it is not unheard of, I have known american friends that had no teaching background, and they taught at ACA (american creativity academy).

Look up schools, email their HR, write a bitching cover letter, and see what you get.

But also, listen to Sanchez.

Wow, are you really aiming that low ? a teaching job?  Would you really accept a teaching position with all your academic background? 

If you are serious, I have a teaching job for you in Kuwait

"Wow, are you really aiming that low ? a teaching job? "..............Not all employment should be viewed through the prism of greed and self service...everyone has at times learnt from someone else.