
Can artists practice anywhere in the world?
Can artists practice anywhere in the world?
There's a profession often overlooked in discussions about moving abroad: how do artists sustain themselves in a foreign country? Is it feasible to earn a living through art in pursuit of creative freedom? This aspect of artistic life is seldom addressed in visa regulations for artists, yet it holds significant importance, impacting how artists practice their craft overseas.
Expat couples: Protect your assets with the proper marriage regime
Expat couples: Protect your assets with the proper marriage regime
Before enjoying the happy life of an expatriate couple, there might be a few administrative issues to check out. Have both spouses drawn up a prenuptial agreement? Is there a risk that the matrimonial property regime will change with the international move? These questions are even more critical if you have your own assets. Here's an overview of matrimonial property regimes around the world.
Passing the citizenship test: Essential information for expats
Passing the citizenship test: Essential information for expats
The naturalization process in some countries involves a citizenship test in addition to an interview and a language proficiency test. These citizenship tests can be written or oral and check expats' knowledge of the host country's history, laws and core values. Their implementation has been controversial, but these tests have nonetheless become standard across multiple countries – the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Austria, and South Korea.
Expat finances: How to save money and where to invest?
Banks and finance
Expat finances: How to save money and where to invest?
As inflation continues to drive up expat budgets, you're probably playing it safe and considering making savings. Perhaps you're wondering where to invest your money or how to manage the savings you've accumulated. Here are some practical tips.
Is remote work the new normal for businesses? 
Is remote work the new normal for businesses? 
The way we work is undergoing a dramatic shift. What if the traditional office space becomes a relic of the past? What if the geographical location is no longer a barrier to recruiting top talent? Businesses embracing the remote working trend are seeing many benefits, especially when it comes to attracting and retaining foreign professionals.
Moving abroad? Here's why locals might resent you
Everyday life
Moving abroad? Here's why locals might resent you
Expat bashing seems to have become a real trend in the Netherlands, according to one article published in DutchNews.nl. Driven by historical grievances and the more recent issues related to the housing and economic impact that expats have, some local residents have expressed strong concern about expat presence in their country. Local publications have joined in by frequently portraying the expats in the country as overprivileged and out of touch.
Should you take a sabbatical year abroad?
Everyday life
Should you take a sabbatical year abroad?
Taking a sabbatical year abroad is considered a character-building experience that fosters personal growth and prepares young people for the working world in a unique way. It can also be their first time living in another country. While popular in some countries, the concept of a sabbatical year is far from universally embraced. Some countries worry about the "gap" it creates on a resume and other negative impressions it might leave with recruiters. Let's have a closer look.
How to plan an international relocation
How to plan an international relocation
So you're relocating overseas. After sorting out your visa and residence permit paperwork, it's time to make the move. But before you dive into packing, some essential things must be considered. What is the cost of an international relocation? Are you planning to bring all your belongings, or would you rather travel light? Do you intend to hire professional movers or handle everything by yourself? Here are some practical tips to help you navigate the process.
Moving abroad? Here's who can watch pet while you're away
Moving abroad? Here's who can watch pet while you're away
Moving abroad without your cat or dog can feel overwhelming, and planning a move with a pet can be complicated. Besides the high costs of pet travel, there might also be various restrictions in your host country. So, what are your options if you choose not to bring your pet with you? Here are our tips for a smooth transition.
Countries with the best work benefits for expats
Countries with the best work benefits for expats
When you accept a new job offer abroad, it's not only the salary that matters; benefits matter, too. Relocation assistance, flexible/remote working provisions, healthcare coverage, paid time off, and childcare benefits – all of these can make a big difference in how easy it is to adjust to life as an expat worker. 
How to prepare for life as a digital nomad
How to prepare for life as a digital nomad
Life as a digital nomad sounds like a lot of fun and allows for a lot more freedom. Those who love to travel will especially be drawn to this lifestyle. However, it's important to remember that it's still considered work (not a vacation!). While it may seem that it's as easy as packing up and flying somewhere new, there's a lot more thought that needs to go into it. To successfully sustain life as a digital nomad, there are a couple of things to consider to ensure that you're fully prepared.
How new expats can conquer time changes
Everyday life
How new expats can conquer time changes
Switching between summer and winter times is an unavoidable step in many countries worldwide, especially in Europe, where the change has been the subject of much debate for several years. So, how do you adjust if you've just moved from a country where it's not the norm?
Shopping habits around the world that will shock expats
Shopping habits around the world that will shock expats
The video of an American being amazed by shopping malls in Australia recently took TikTok by storm. In it, the young woman is amazed that malls in Australia have delis, grocery stores, and even a pharmacy. The comment section featured a lot of surprised Australians who couldn't believe that malls in the United States were different.
Should you join an expat community in your host country?
Everyday life
Should you join an expat community in your host country?
Relocating to a new country means plunging into the unknown, often without knowing anyone and, often, hardly knowing the local culture and language. Fortunately, there's always an expatriate community ready to welcome you and offer the best advice for this new beginning. Discover ten good reasons to join an expatriate community abroad.
Moving abroad: Should you be concerned about pollution?
Everyday life
Moving abroad: Should you be concerned about pollution?
Air quality might not be a priority for every expatriate right now, but that could shift soon. Expatriates and those considering relocation are becoming more conscious of environmental and ecological issues. Of course, nobody enjoys living in a city with poor air quality; the problem just needs to be acknowledged. Hidden pollutants, such as fine particles, significantly degrade urban air quality and pose health risks. Let's take a closer look at this issue.
Expat parents: How to relaunch your career after parental leave
Expat parents: How to relaunch your career after parental leave
After spending several years dedicated to full-time parenting, the time has come to re-enter the workforce. How do you approach this transition and prepare to impress recruiters? Additionally, are there particular countries that facilitate the process of returning to work after a parental break?
Working abroad? Don't forget these cultural issues!
Working abroad? Don't forget these cultural issues!
When working in a new country, it is not only the more formal aspects of the job—such as the salary and work hours stated in the contract—that matter. Many informal, even largely unspoken, cultural norms shape the experience of working in a foreign country. What are some of these cultural aspects that you should try to be aware of?
How do you plan a move abroad as a couple?
Everyday life
How do you plan a move abroad as a couple?
In today's globalized world, many couples choose to relocate overseas at some stage in their lives. Whether driven by career prospects or a thirst for adventure, such a move can offer remarkable and fulfilling experiences. The key to success in such endeavors is treating it as a shared project. Each person should have a vested interest and feel actively involved in the decision-making process.

Other Types

How being an expat affects your gut health and eating habits
Everyday life
How being an expat affects your gut health and eating habits
We rarely consider our gut health and diet when moving abroad. Before leaving, our minds are consumed with travel preparations. The initial phase of expat life often coincides with a honeymoon period. Then comes the necessary adaptation, where daily life takes over. "The Expat Gut Health Survey: How Symptoms Can Impact Life Abroad," a study by Allianz Care, published on May 29, surveyed over 3,000 expats worldwide and unveils the link between gut health and quality of life.  
How can expats vote in the UK's upcoming general election
How can expats vote in the UK's upcoming general election
The current British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, called for a snap election on July 4. People were expecting the general election to happen in October or November, not in two months, reports the BBC. How can British expats abroad vote? And which expats in the UK have voting rights? Many Commonwealth and Irish expats in the UK are unaware that they are eligible to vote even if they don't have indefinite leave to remain.
How to open a bank account in Spain without being a resident
Caixa Bank
How to open a bank account in Spain without being a resident
Are you a foreign national and thinking of settling in Spain? Do you need a bank account but do not yet have a residence? With the HolaBank account, you can open a bank account in Spain without being a resident and enjoy all the benefits and services you need to manage your finances.
How immigration fuels countries' economic growth  
How immigration fuels countries' economic growth  
Despite tighter reforms in global powers, immigration remains a vital engine for growth. This is the conclusion of the latest report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on the issue. Let's break it down.
Why Australia, the USA and Canada remain top expat countries
Why Australia, the USA and Canada remain top expat countries
The latest trends in international mobility present a paradox. Restrictive immigration policies do not deter foreign applicants; on the contrary. The strong economic health of traditional lands of immigration and the positive image of economic powers are among the factors that encourage workers to try their luck abroad. Here's an analysis.
Why are more and more Canadians moving overseas?
Everyday life
Why are more and more Canadians moving overseas?
One of the top destinations for expats from around the world for decades, Canada continues to welcome foreign nationals despite its recent immigration reforms. However, a growing number of Canadians are choosing to move abroad. While this is not a new trend, it has been steadily increasing, which is quite troubling for a nation grappling with an aging population and seeking to retain its citizens. So why are more and more Canadians moving abroad?