
How to handle a toxic work environment as an expat
How to handle a toxic work environment as an expat
Your expat life might be different from the dream you imagined in a poor workplace atmosphere with poor communication, excessive hierarchy, etc. There's a rift between you and your company, and the toxic environment makes you reconsider your stay in your host country. How can you get through this? Here are some tips.
How to plan your move abroad with teenagers
How to plan your move abroad with teenagers
Rest assured: moving abroad with teenagers peacefully and cheerfully is possible. Forget all the worst-case scenarios involving "rebellious teens". Here are some practical tips for preparation, understanding their needs in the host country, and managing emotions to ensure smooth organization.
Why are more people choosing to live abroad?
Everyday life
Why are more people choosing to live abroad?
The COVID-19 pandemic and the seemingly endless global crises may have appeared to bury moving abroad plans, but today, expats are more than ever present. In fact, foreigners are in high demand in countries facing labor shortages. What does it mean to "move abroad" in 2024? Can we speak of a pre-and post-COVID reality?  
National Alert Systems: How to stay informed when living abroad
Everyday life
National Alert Systems: How to stay informed when living abroad
According to the United Nations (UN), the number of disasters worldwide is increasing each year. Expatriates may find themselves unprepared in emergency situations. Where and how can you obtain the latest information? How do you register for national foreign advisory services? Here are some practical tips.
How do expats benefit from the global flexwork boom?
How do expats benefit from the global flexwork boom?
Are we witnessing a flexwork boom around the world? From Singapore to the United Kingdom, via Spain, Iceland, Finland, and New Zealand, flexibility is being redefined and expanded internationally. This is a boon for expatriates and prospective expats.
Should you bring back or sell your belongings when returning home?
Should you bring back or sell your belongings when returning home?
You're finally heading home (or perhaps gearing up for a move to another country). As your departure date looms, you meticulously examine your possessions. The amount of items you gathered during your stay in your host country can be unexpectedly vast. Whether these items hold sentimental or monetary value—or none at all—you must decide whether to keep, sell, or donate them. Here are some practical tips.
Teaching abroad: These top countries are hiring now
Teaching abroad: These top countries are hiring now
Nurses and doctors, technology professionals, skilled manual workers—these are some professions that have experienced global labor shortages in recent years. In many countries, elementary and high school public teachers are also increasingly in demand. Because of the difficulty in hiring or retaining local teachers, schools are turning to the recruitment and even training of expat teachers.
Transform your expat experience through volunteering
Everyday life
Transform your expat experience through volunteering
Expat host associations act as a crucial link between your home country and your new country, and they have proved their utility. Although their services are well-known to beneficiaries, what does it mean to volunteer in such an association? What are the benefits of volunteering as an expat, and how do you get started?
Hong Kong
"Expats": A gripping drama series set in Hong Kong
In early 2024, the Prime Video streaming platform debuted “Expats", a drama series based on the book by Janice Y. K. Lee. It portrays the lives of three women from diverse backgrounds who are linked by a singular drama: Margaret, Hilary, and Mercy, each facing unexpected and traumatic events that upheave their existences.
How the 2024 Paris Olympics will impact expat life in France
How the 2024 Paris Olympics will impact expat life in France
With less than three months until the start of the Paris Olympics, expatriates are feeling a mix of excitement and concern, especially those currently living in the capital or planning to move there during this period. The media predictions are unanimous: the event will affect the daily lives of all residents. But what will the actual impact be, and how can one prepare?
How to plan your move abroad as a single parent with kids
How to plan your move abroad as a single parent with kids
Your thoughts about moving abroad are becoming more frequent, but balancing the needs of your children, your family, and yourself is challenging. Embarking on expatriation alone is daunting. How can you manage it as a single parent?
Can you work abroad with disabilities?
Can you work abroad with disabilities?
Yes, it is indeed possible to work abroad with a disability, and yes, there are obstacles, whether the disability is visible or not. However, these barriers do not jeopardize the expatriation plan—far from it. Here are some practical tips for moving abroad with a disability.
How to buy and renovate a home abroad without overspending
How to buy and renovate a home abroad without overspending
You've fallen in love with a home that's incredibly affordable but needs renovation. As an adventurous expat, you're brimming with ideas to turn a modest house into a mini-castle. But what should you consider in this type of negotiation? How can you ensure your dream doesn't turn into a costly nightmare?
Inflation: Why more people are moving abroad
Cost of living
Inflation: Why more people are moving abroad
Moving abroad for a better life abroad isn't a new idea, but its popularity is surging as global economies struggle with persistent inflation. Economic recessions compel more people to contemplate relocation abroad, highlighting a more significant phenomenon than it may initially appear.
Living abroad: The truth behind 'I'm an expat, of course...' clichés
Everyday life
Living abroad: The truth behind 'I'm an expat, of course...' clichés
You've likely seen this trend on platforms like TikTok or Instagram. These punchy, satirical videos challenge users to portray exaggerated aspects of their personality, their activities, or the most stereotypical elements of a particular theme. At Expat.com, we've joined the fun by sharing a series on our Instagram. Plus, we're unpacking the common stereotypes associated with expat living.
Living abroad: Challenges faced by transgender expats 
Living abroad: Challenges faced by transgender expats 
The laws concerning LGBTQ+ rights and the social acceptance of sexual/gender diversity in different countries can be a hurdle for queer expats who want to live abroad. For transgender expats, especially, restrictions around the recognition of gender changes in official documents (including the passport) and access to gender-affirming healthcare can make expatriation more complicated. The risk of transphobic discrimination and even violence can also make trans expats rethink their plans.
Moving abroad? Quit smoking too!
Everyday life
Moving abroad? Quit smoking too!
At first glance, we might not see a real connection between moving abroad and cigarettes. But if we look closer, they are actually kind of closely related for many. First, financially, as due to inflation, packs of cigarettes can be expensive. The bill can be even higher because of the various anti-tobacco measures that countries can take.
Unique homes for expats: Eco-friendly and affordable options
Unique homes for expats: Eco-friendly and affordable options
If you're going to live the big adventure in a foreign country, you might as well live it on all levels. Why settle for ordinary housing (which is admittedly very comfortable) when you can experience other places and forms of residence? Or maybe you're looking to save money? Here's a world tour of the new home sweet homes of expats.

Other Types

How being an expat affects your gut health and eating habits
Everyday life
How being an expat affects your gut health and eating habits
We rarely consider our gut health and diet when moving abroad. Before leaving, our minds are consumed with travel preparations. The initial phase of expat life often coincides with a honeymoon period. Then comes the necessary adaptation, where daily life takes over. "The Expat Gut Health Survey: How Symptoms Can Impact Life Abroad," a study by Allianz Care, published on May 29, surveyed over 3,000 expats worldwide and unveils the link between gut health and quality of life.  
How can expats vote in the UK's upcoming general election
How can expats vote in the UK's upcoming general election
The current British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, called for a snap election on July 4. People were expecting the general election to happen in October or November, not in two months, reports the BBC. How can British expats abroad vote? And which expats in the UK have voting rights? Many Commonwealth and Irish expats in the UK are unaware that they are eligible to vote even if they don't have indefinite leave to remain.
How to open a bank account in Spain without being a resident
Caixa Bank
How to open a bank account in Spain without being a resident
Are you a foreign national and thinking of settling in Spain? Do you need a bank account but do not yet have a residence? With the HolaBank account, you can open a bank account in Spain without being a resident and enjoy all the benefits and services you need to manage your finances.
How immigration fuels countries' economic growth  
How immigration fuels countries' economic growth  
Despite tighter reforms in global powers, immigration remains a vital engine for growth. This is the conclusion of the latest report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on the issue. Let's break it down.
Why Australia, the USA and Canada remain top expat countries
Why Australia, the USA and Canada remain top expat countries
The latest trends in international mobility present a paradox. Restrictive immigration policies do not deter foreign applicants; on the contrary. The strong economic health of traditional lands of immigration and the positive image of economic powers are among the factors that encourage workers to try their luck abroad. Here's an analysis.
Why are more and more Canadians moving overseas?
Everyday life
Why are more and more Canadians moving overseas?
One of the top destinations for expats from around the world for decades, Canada continues to welcome foreign nationals despite its recent immigration reforms. However, a growing number of Canadians are choosing to move abroad. While this is not a new trend, it has been steadily increasing, which is quite troubling for a nation grappling with an aging population and seeking to retain its citizens. So why are more and more Canadians moving abroad?