
The world's most unique toilets expats should know about
Everyday life
The world's most unique toilets expats should know about
The life of an expat is full of surprises. New countries come with new cultures, rules, traditions, food, work schedules, and much more. Where most expats generally don't expect surprises is in the bathroom. After all, how strange can things get in a water closet (WC)? Turns out, the life of an expat is, indeed, full of surprises – and nowhere is an exception. 
Expats and children's nationality: Unraveling citizenship laws
Expats and children's nationality: Unraveling citizenship laws
It's often assumed that being born in a particular country automatically confers citizenship to a child. That isn't entirely true. For the children of expats born abroad, their nationality often depends on one or both parents' citizenship status as well as the number of years the parents have been expats.
Government strategies to attract expats: Living abroad for less
Everyday life
Government strategies to attract expats: Living abroad for less
Should this be seen as a government strategy to attract foreigners? Here's some great news for people who love adventure, thrills, challenges and new experiences. You can move abroad and even get paid for it. Here's how.
The world's most accessible digital nomad visas
The world's most accessible digital nomad visas
Today, we are looking into digital nomad visas that have minimal requirements. This means that even if you are just starting out in an office-free adventure and still developing your client base, you may be able to find a stable temporary base with digital nomad perks.
Dual study-work programs in Germany: A unique opportunity for international students
Dual study-work programs in Germany: A unique opportunity for international students
Dual work-study programs are distinctly German qualifications, although there do exist industry-oriented degrees elsewhere that are similar to them. As the name says, they are Bachelor's and Master's degrees, which include practical experience at a company in conjunction with academic classes on campus. They are particularly useful for subjects that are in themselves very vocational, such as business, design, engineering, technology and social work. 
These countries are facing a female brain drain
These countries are facing a female brain drain
While many countries are experiencing a brain drain, some are also facing a female brain drain. Graduated and experienced women professionals no longer hesitate to leave their countries to pursue careers abroad. Moving to a foreign country sometimes sounds like an obligation for those who want to enjoy complete freedom.
The vital role of life insurance for expats
The vital role of life insurance for expats
Life insurance is deemed to be one of the preferred financial investments for expatriates, along with real estate investment, and it offers a number of advantages. Besides the financial aspect, how important is life insurance for short- or long-term plans to live abroad? What factors should be taken into account? 
Unveiling the hidden challenges of depression among expats
Health system
Unveiling the hidden challenges of depression among expats
Mental health and depression are topics that have become more popular in recent years, and expatriates are not spared by this disorder. According to the WHO, this mental illness affects 300 million people worldwide. On the occasion of the World Depression Day observed on 27 October, we examine the main causes of depression among expatriates from a psychologist's point of view.
Tackling the global health worker brain drain: Strategies and controversies
Tackling the global health worker brain drain: Strategies and controversies
In some countries, there are talks about a "brain drain". This is another major challenge for developing countries whose health systems are still reeling from the Covid pandemic. How can countries attract and retain health workers? The shortage of health workers affects countries worldwide, even the wealthiest. 
Divorce dilemmas for expats in countries with strict divorce laws
Everyday life
Divorce dilemmas for expats in countries with strict divorce laws
Moving abroad as a couple, finding love in a foreign country, and building a life together isn't always easy. And when you're an expat, feelings can be even more complicated. Sometimes, the journey together doesn't turn out as expected, and divorce becomes the only option. What can you do if you live in a country where getting a divorce is difficult?
Rising education costs around the world: Why studying abroad can be beneficial
Schools & studies
Rising education costs around the world: Why studying abroad can be beneficial
Is the rise in student mobility a result of the inflationary crisis? Rising prices in many countries are putting a strain on students' budgets. Many have already suffered the consequences of the health crisis, with the difficulty of keeping a small job and, therefore, saving money. With the ever-increasing cost of education, should you move abroad to study? Can it be cheaper? How do students balance cost and quality of life?
How to choose an employer who values your mental health
How to choose an employer who values your mental health
Working abroad can be psychologically daunting. Culture shock, homesickness, different corporate norms, and even different weather can easily lead expats to depression and burnout. This is why it's important to choose an employer who values your mental health and has implemented workplace policies that give you a great environment to thrive in.
Why are expats increasingly interested in workations?
Why are expats increasingly interested in workations?
Workations are short-term or mid-term trips that combine work and holidays. They're an excellent solution for expats who can't afford to take a few weeks completely off work but do need a change of environment. The difference between “workations” and “digital nomadism” can be fuzzy, but it's generally assumed that digital nomadism tends to be more long-term. Many expats think that workations help them avoid burnout and make them more creative at work, but it can also put them under stress about how to manage their time and budget while doing two things at a time.
Why you should not stay in an expat bubble when moving abroad
Everyday life
Why you should not stay in an expat bubble when moving abroad
Finding fellow expats in a new country may be a dream come true — at first. However, if your expat circle prevents you from experiencing life in your new destination, you may want to start planning your escape. Here's what you should know.
Online banking or local banking: What's the ideal option for expats?
Banks and finance
Online banking or local banking: What's the ideal option for expats?
Managing your finances as an expat can sometimes be challenging. Fortunately, online banking offers a practical and beneficial solution for expatriates worldwide. In this article, we will explore the benefits of online banking and see whether required to open a local bank account in their host country.
Tips for navigating pregnancy and an international career
Tips for navigating pregnancy and an international career
You have just landed your dream job in the country of your choice and are elated. Isn't that exciting? But what if you suddenly learn that you're pregnant? Should such great news be a barrier to your move? What are the legal considerations regarding pregnancy, job interviews, and protecting pregnant individuals living abroad? Are there any risks involved in disclosing your pregnancy after being hired abroad?
Bedbug infestation in Paris: between psychosis and trauma
Bedbug infestation in Paris: between psychosis and trauma
It's all over the news: France, especially Paris, is said to be infested by bedbugs. In fact, since September, not only households but also cinemas, trains and underground trains in the French capital have been badly infested, as reported on social networks and in the media.
Salaries around the world: Things that may surprise expats
Salaries around the world: Things that may surprise expats
Every work deserves proper compensation. However, the most awaited income can be accompanied by more or less confusing factors. It can be hard to break down a payslip, especially for an expatriate. From payment dates to bank transfers and cash issues, here are the things that can surprise expats working abroad.

Other Types

Golden visa reforms to continue attracting foreign investors
Golden visa reforms to continue attracting foreign investors
The Golden Visa has not had its final say. Despite the visa controversy, several countries keep relying on it to attract foreign capital. Let's discover which countries are relaunching or reforming the program and what has changed.
Attracting global talent: How the EU plans to solve its healthcare crisis
Attracting global talent: How the EU plans to solve its healthcare crisis
The European Union is in need of healthcare professionals. Although this isn't publicized within European institutions, a behind-the-scenes battle is clearly underway among various European countries. These countries are treading carefully, balancing more restrictive immigration policies with chronic labor shortages. What does this mean for medical professionals from around the globe?
EURES at 30: A legacy of labour mobility across Europe
EURES at 30: A legacy of labour mobility across Europe
For 30 years, EURES has been connecting jobseekers and employers across Europe. Launched in 1994, this European network of employment services has played a pivotal role in facilitating the free movement of labour within the EU, overcoming employment barriers, and promoting career opportunities across Europe. Check it out and learn more about what this service is about and how jobseekers and employers can benefit.
Immigration policy changes: Latest updates from Canada, UAE, Australia, Thailand, and more
Immigration policy changes: Latest updates from Canada, UAE, Australia, Thailand, and more
New visas aimed at attracting foreign talent are continuously being introduced as qualified professionals remain in high demand by countries that simultaneously tighten their immigration rules. The priority is clearly on highly skilled economic immigration. Here's a detailed look.
Where are American expats moving for more affordable healthcare?
Where are American expats moving for more affordable healthcare?
The prohibitive cost of healthcare in the US is making Americans choose or consider expatriation. The latest research from the health policy NGO KFF shows that half of American adults struggle to afford medical care. It should come as no surprise that many are heading to Europe, where public healthcare systems tend to be more developed and well-funded. Others are opting for Latin America, where private healthcare is affordable for expats who earn in dollars.
UK immigration decline 2024: What it means for future expats
UK immigration decline 2024: What it means for future expats
One of the government's goals was to curb the rising trend of immigration by tightening the rules for prospective expats. April saw the introduction of new measures aimed at further filtering applications from foreign workers. What does this mean for those considering moving to the UK? Here's an in-depth look.