Education - Expat Magazine

Staying close to home: From Russia to Finland
Staying close to home: From Russia to Finland
You don't have to go too far from home to experience a new culture and lifestyle... sometimes your new home can be just a three-and-a-half-hour train ride away. Alexander decided to move to Finland after frequent visits for weekends away. He got the opportunity to further his career, and made the leap. Here, he talks with about life in Finland and just what it takes to make a new start abroad.
Best cities for Millennials
Best cities for Millennials
Millennials are much maligned by older generations, but they are more open, more keen to experience the world and more mobile than those that have come before. They are also living in one of the most economically challenging times, with rent prices in many major cities becoming increasingly out of reach. Nestpick have assessed a wide range of factors to find the 100 most millennial-friendly cities, from the affordability of rent and food, to the prevalence of nightlife and – why not – Apple stores.
European expatriation among the youth
European expatriation among the youth
European Millennials seem to be keen on leaving their home country for another country within the continent in search of academic and professional experiences. Students and professionals between 18 and 28 convey an enthusiasm for learning new languages, living in different cultures, and, of course, gaining a better education or establishing an international career. Here, is an overview of the expat life in seven European countries as recorded by the Think Young think tank.
The most popular European destinations for international students
The most popular European destinations for international students
Europe is often a popular destination for students looking to broaden their horizons and study abroad. Not only is there high quality education on offer, but also the ability to travel reasonably cheaply and experience other cultures. In addition, many institutions outside of the UK offer courses in English, which continues to be one of the best languages for furthering your career internationally. In the 2017 report by, countries were ranked according to quality of education (which made up over half of the score), cost, and life and career.
Small town to bustling city: Expat life in Surabaya
Small town to bustling city: Expat life in Surabaya
Wayne yearned for something bigger than the small-town life he had grown accustomed to, and decided to explore what lies beyond Canada's borders. His travels took him to Asia, where he ended up remaining, eventually settling in Surabaya, Indonesia. Here, he shares with his thoughts about his expat journey and life in Indonesia.
Where are the world's most expensive places to live?
Where are the world's most expensive places to live?
If you choose city-living in a bustling metropolis, be prepared for some potentially sky-high costs. The amenities afforded are innumerable in a cosmopolitan city, but at what price? The latest report from the Economist Intelligence Unit on the most expensive cities to live in across the world is out, highlighting the places with the highest cost of living. We take an in-depth look at the most expensive cities to live in, as well as hearing about the experiences of some of our own members.
How we became an American expat family in England
How we became an American expat family in England
When an opportunity comes, you better grab it. This is exactly what Swapna from the United States and her family did several months ago when they moved to Surrey, England. Nowadays, they all enjoy a new lifestyle that may not resemble what they were used to back home but teaches them a whole lot about the world and themselves. Sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone to understand who you are and what matters to you in life.
Conflict-free countries: Where to live?
Conflict-free countries: Where to live?
In a world that continues to deliver bad news day after day, it seems there is just no getting away from it. With violence on the streets, political upheaval around the world and societies growing seemingly more and more frustrated – and with no signs of any of this looking to cease any time soon – the question arises for those of us who want a more peaceful life for ourselves and for our families, just what can we do?
How the English language opens international doors
How the English language opens international doors
How many times has the language barrier stopped us from developing a relationship, expressing ourselves, or resolving a misunderstanding? The English language is our best choice when it comes to integration and cross-cultural communication in diverse settings. But it is also a passport to a global network of successful and helpful people and enticing professional opportunities abroad.
International schools: Budget and choose wisely
International schools: Budget and choose wisely
Most popular destinations for expats have seen a growing inflation of international schooling prices. Some expat destinations can offer alternatives through local curriculums but some not. With no access to the local education system for some or the need to maintain their native language and curriculum for others, putting your children in international schools can be financially challenging.
What an international student says about life in England
What an international student says about life in England
When Takahiro first arrived in Brighton in 2009 for his Master's degree, he couldn't imagine that seven years later he would still live there — now completing his PhD. It's been a rewarding journey —  academically and personally — with its ups and downs of course.
Four things Italian: Drama, aesthetics, romance, and fashion
Four things Italian: Drama, aesthetics, romance, and fashion
Who hasn't looked at Italy as the country of arts and architecture, family and food, of a powerful empire, and the center of the Renaissance? Rebecca, a Scottish expat in Veneto, is feeling totally at home in Italy, and makes the most of the uniqueness this country has to offer – full of history museums, off the beaten track villages waiting to be explored, and traditional cuisine. Italy inspires!
The best cities for an unforgettable student life
The best cities for an unforgettable student life
Prospective students, we understand your agonies, enthusiasm, and confusions because we have gone through the same journey. What course to study, where, and how will you benefit from it in the future — are just a few of the questions hanging. But before you start filling in the application forms, be reminded that learning doesn't shut in the classroom — it's an ongoing process that takes place in the bar, the cafe, on the streets, the galleries, the concert halls, and the parties.
Erasmus: A fulfilling international experience for the youth
Erasmus: A fulfilling international experience for the youth
Youth is the carefree time of our life when we are fervidly off to new adventures that include traveling, meeting new people, and discovering foreign cultures. If our passion for the world and our studies can go hand in hand, then it's even better. For the past 30 years, Erasmus, the exchange program for European university students, has helped over five million young people to live abroad while continuing their studies. Join us in a vivid discussion with the Erasmus generation on Erasmus' 30th birthday!
From America to South Korea and everything in between
South Korea
From America to South Korea and everything in between
We move from one place to another for all different reasons. For Keri the journey abroad started off as a teenage adventure. Her love for K-pop took her all the way to South Korea — where she met her other big love, her husband. Keri misses home in America, but cannot yet bid farewell to the South Korean lifestyle, the culture of kindness and respect, and the spicy food. She talks to about the country of temples, mighty mountains, and friendly people. 
Employment trends and international mobility: What's next
Employment trends and international mobility: What's next
Employers and employees, backed by the advanced telecommunications industry, are the key players in a changing work environment that is defined by international mobility. The shift in employment trends (remote work, entrepreneurship, flexible working hours) has also revolutionised the motives for expatriation and traveling. Here we discuss several changes in the job market that every conscious employer should be aware of, if they want to excel in their field.
From China to Singapore : A Finnish mom in a multicultural melting pot
From China to Singapore : A Finnish mom in a multicultural melting pot
Milla is a mother to two — a 10-year old boy and an 8-year old girl. Originally from Finland, she moved to Singapore one and a half years ago when she decided to support her husband in his new job. Nowadays, she is a homemaker and an avid blogger.
Many nations, one home: Elias' vision of the European Union
Many nations, one home: Elias' vision of the European Union
The European Union is shaky — Brexit, eurosceptics, rise of extreme nationalism. But Europe can do better than that, and young European people like Elias see in the continent not mere countries but their home. Europe has opened the horizons of its young generation, as it has facilitated travelling from one member country to another. hosts a vivid representative of Europe's bright future, who talks about his vision of the Union from the perspective of a well-travelled and curious mind. Elias is completing a Master's in Business Law in Strasbourg. He has also studied for one year in Leicester, England. In this video he expresses his disappointment over Brexit, but he also shares his hope for a European Union that supports free movement, international career opportunities, and multiculturalism.