Education - Expat Magazine

Underrated degrees for international students with high earning potential
Underrated degrees for international students with high earning potential
It is common knowledge that degrees in medicine, computer science, law and finance give international students high-paying jobs abroad. However, there are also other degrees/diplomas which can lead to great salaries. Culinary arts, nursing and paramedical professions, business combined with IT skills, and human resources are underrated specializations that can lead to fulfilling and high-paying careers.
Does studying abroad guarantee a higher salary for expats?
Does studying abroad guarantee a higher salary for expats?
Various studies have shown that studying abroad increases your chances of getting a high starting salary upon being hired. Back home, employers will value the language, intercultural and problem-solving skills you learned abroad. If you choose to remain in the foreign country where you studied, your experience as a student will likely also help you transition into the country's work culture.
France records a rise in the number of international students
France records a rise in the number of international students
Campus France reports that the number of international students in the country has increased by 8% over 2021-2022. There are now over 400,000 international students there, the highest number in 15 years. The growth has been driven by big leaps in the number of students from the Americas (+15%) and Europe (+13%). The affordability and quality of education in France could well be among the reasons behind this.
Tuition fees for international students in Norway: How will this affect universities?
Tuition fees for international students in Norway: How will this affect universities?
In March, the Norwegian parliament approved a policy to introduce tuition fees for international students from outside the European Union and European Economic Area. This will apply from Fall 2023. However, critics from within the higher education sector are protesting that it will damage the reputation of Norwegian universities and Norway's image as an egalitarian society.
Why does studying abroad cost so much?
Why does studying abroad cost so much?
Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the cost of studying abroad had already become a significant factor for many international students and their families, particularly in South Asia and Africa. These regions have seen a rising interest in studying abroad, but with limited financial resources, there has been a growing emphasis on the return on investment of such a decision.
The UK might restrict post-study work rights: What does it mean for international students?
The UK might restrict post-study work rights: What does it mean for international students?
The Times reports that the UK's Home Office is considering reducing the post-study work rights of international students from 2 years to 6 months. This follows discussions within the government since late 2022 about capping international student numbers. If these are actually applied, they might drastically reduce the attractiveness and accessibility of the UK for overseas students and expats.
Why China no longer attracts international students
Why China no longer attracts international students
What if studying abroad was a passport to achieving a new level of freedom? In China, the idea is becoming more and more widespread. In the wake of the pandemic and, most importantly, with the consequences of the zero-covid policy, Chinese students are now keener on studying abroad. But the once-popular destinations for studying abroad have changed. As China reopened its borders in early January 2023, hoping for a return to normalcy, many Chinese students are hoping for a brighter future elsewhere. 
Distance learning: What are the risks for international students?
Distance learning: What are the risks for international students?
Distance learning and online courses have been booming since the pandemic. They were first thought of as an emergency solution, but online courses are increasingly becoming more efficient. But while distance learning has gained momentum, China is taking a hard line: online courses will no longer be recognized; only face-to-face courses will. This is a major concern for Chinese students enrolled in universities abroad. This is an important reminder for international students who are finding it hard to choose before moving abroad to study or distance learning.
Studying abroad in 2023: Here's what you should consider
Studying abroad in 2023: Here's what you should consider
The new year has brought back moving abroad plans. Many students are having their revenge on the pandemic. Borders are now wide open, and the troubles caused by COVID don't seem to be affecting plans to study abroad anymore. So, what are the best places to study in 2023? How to prepare for your trip in the current international context? Here are some tips.
Planning your move abroad as an international student: Tips from an expert
Planning your move abroad as an international student: Tips from an expert
Sayantan Biswas, originally from India, is the co-founder of Adventum Student Living, an international student mobility platform. Since the reopening of the borders of most countries, he observed a growing number of students moving abroad for their studies, which also means a growing demand for student services. In this interview, he gives out tips for international students planning their move abroad to study in 2023.
British universities struggle with international students dropping out to join the workforce
British universities struggle with international students dropping out to join the workforce
Recently, in order to fight labor shortages, the UK's Home Office eased the laws to obtain a Skilled Worker Visa. International students can now switch to this visa before completing their course as long as they have a suitable job offer. However, this is turning out to be a problem for British universities, who are seeing higher international dropout rates and the accompanying loss of funds from tuition fees.
Why Germany is a great place for international students
Why Germany is a great place for international students
Has Germany become the new hot spot for international students? The country is gaining in popularity among international students who wish to pursue their studies abroad. Indeed, despite the health crisis, international mobility is on the rise again. International students are even keener to move, and more and more of them are choosing Germany. What's is driving them there and what are the benefits of studying in Germany?
Which are the new hotspots for international students?
Which are the new hotspots for international students?
Two major events disrupted international student mobility during the past years – Brexit and the Covid pandemic. However, international mobility has picked up again with border reopenings worldwide, and some countries are among the new favorites among students. Which are they, and how are they beneficial for international students?
International education is steadily returning to pre-pandemic levels
International education is steadily returning to pre-pandemic levels
International education was one of the sectors most affected by the lockdowns and border closures of 2020 and 2021. In 2022, it is picking up again in the most popular education destinations. However, the number of international students from China has decreased. Vaccination and quarantine requirements, arrangements for hybrid classes, political stability and post-work study rights are also affecting the popularity of each destination.
What are the working hour limitations for international students?
What are the working hour limitations for international students?
Going to study abroad is a dream for many. However, it comes with a hefty price tag. For international students, finding a small job in the host country is an essential condition to pursue their stay and studies. What are countries' stand regarding this? How many hours working hours are allowed for international students?        
From Spain to Japan to study the Japanese language
From Spain to Japan to study the Japanese language
Raquel is getting ready for her studies abroad in Japan, and her first goal is to learn the language and explore Japanese culture in depth. In this interview, she tells us about her upcoming adventure in the Land of the Rising Sun.
How to choose your summer school program abroad?
How to choose your summer school program abroad?
Summer schools are back. Their winter counterparts, called winter schools, are also preparing to welcome back international students. What are the perks of these programs? Who are they intended for, and what types of courses are provided? 
China: International students are back but under certain conditions
China: International students are back but under certain conditions
International students are officially allowed back into China after more than 2 years of autarky. Is this a tangible sign of a return to normality? Be careful, though. For even if the official announcement was made on August 24, borders haven't reopened for everyone.