Education - Expat Magazine

Six of the world's most liveable cities
Six of the world's most liveable cities
Moving abroad is often motivated by the quest for better living standards. Like every year, the Economist Intelligence Unit publishes its Global Liveability ranking based on a range of criteria including stability, education, healthcare, infrastructure, culture, and environment. To help you choose your next destination, gives you an insight into six of the world's most liveable cities.
Top five countries for soft power
Top five countries for soft power
A country's attractiveness is defined not only by its economic growth and political stability but also by many other factors such as engagement, culture, education, and innovation, among others. The Soft Power 30 index measures the performance of 30 countries based on these indicators. gives you an insight into the top five countries for soft power.
Why America's childcare system needs transformation
Why America's childcare system needs transformation
Working parents in the United States are facing daunting hurdles to find high-quality and affordable care for their children due to the country's inadequate childcare system. Each state has a unique setting, but what all states have in common are the high cost of childcare and the difficulty to access a system whose priority is not the welfare of parents, children, and professional carers.
Which are the best countries to raise kids
Which are the best countries to raise kids
Choosing your next destination, whether you're moving with your family or planning to have kids abroad, involves a lot of reflection. Children's rights and your responsibilities as parents; the environment; as well as access to education and healthcare are some of the criteria to be considered. gives you an insight into the world's most child-friendly countries according to a study by KidsRights, an international NGO.  
How to make your internship abroad a success
How to make your internship abroad a success
Doing an internship abroad is often associated with some kind of stress regarding everything that's new, especially when you're moving for the first time in your life. However, adequate planning can turn this professional experience into one of the most amazing adventures of your life. To guide you, here are some tips for making your internship abroad a success.
Where are the world's costliest international schools
Where are the world's costliest international schools
Education and schooling will be one of your primary concerns if you're looking to move abroad with your family. Like most concerned parents, you're probably pondering on the benefits of international schooling for your children in your host country. International schooling more often than not, comes with a hefty cost. How far are you willing to invest in your children's education and how convinced are you that they will be able to adapt to the local education system? To help you choose wisely, here is an insight into international school fees around the world according to an ExpatFinder survey.
Where to live, work and invest in Europe
Where to live, work and invest in Europe
Moving abroad is usually motivated by the quest for better quality of life, new career prospects, whether you're looking to work or invest, including factors such as inclusion, innovation, etc. If you're looking to relocate to Europe, which is the best city depending on your project? To help you choose wisely, gives you an insight into the best cities to live, work, or launch your startup according to the Dynamic Cities 2018 report published by Savills Investment Management.
From the sunshiny mediterranean to the icy northern Europe
From the sunshiny mediterranean to the icy northern Europe
Marietta from Greece started her expat journey seven years ago when she went to Denmark for her Master's degree and then to the Netherlands as a research assistant. Today, she is based in Kuopio, a densely populated city in Finland, famous for its beautiful forested area and Lake Kallavesi, which surrounds the town. After two and a half years in Finland, Marietta may still struggle with the cold weather, but she has found joy in outdoor activities and of course, her PhD. 
Where in Europe you can obtain a Bachelor's degree for free
Where in Europe you can obtain a Bachelor's degree for free
Higher education is more accessible than ever before globally, with more and more young people creating their academic and professional paths. Students tend to be attracted to universities outside their home country to live a fulfilling international experience, shared with people from all over the world. However, studying abroad can be very costly, with tuition fees reaching up to USD 55,000 per year in some of the world's best universities. On the other hand, some European countries have remained the advocates of free education, and are an appealing option for many prospective students who.
Study abroad: How to be the most well-prepared international student
Study abroad: How to be the most well-prepared international student
Have you been accepted into a university abroad? Congratulations! You are about to experience one of the most meaningful adventures in your life and reach a huge milestone. But don't let other people's “been there, done that” attitude predetermine your journey. The only preconception you should carry with you is that this will be a second to none experience. With September and the beginning of the term being just around the corner, we have composed a helpful guide on everything you should do before your departure to set the base for a fulfilling time abroad as an international student.
The most compelling reasons you should move to Germany now
The most compelling reasons you should move to Germany now
Are you trying to decide on your next expat destination as a digital nomad? Or have you just been offered a job in Germany, and you wish to know more about your future host country? Germany is split into 16 federal states, each of which has its policies and laws regarding education and culture. Europe's largest economy is a major exporter of heavy equipment, vehicles, and chemicals, and has a highly-skilled labour force. Despite the low fertility rates and increase in immigration, Germany can still afford a generous social welfare. shares the top reasons you should move to the country of Goethe, Bach, and Beethoven.
Tips for international students in Milan
Tips for international students in Milan
Education will without a doubt be one of your main concerns if you're an expat looking to move to Milan with your family. The International School of Milan provides tailor-made programs so your children can benefit from quality education. Here are some tips for studying in Milan.
Parenting practices from around the world
Parenting practices from around the world
Globally, parenting aims at nurturing responsible and productive members of society. But the definition of a kind and successful citizen differs from culture to culture, depending on the ethics and moral values. Is your child-rearing flexible or do you implement discipline? Do you impose your ideas or let your child to discover their talents creatively? has put together some of the most interesting parenting practices to show you child raising from a different perspective.
The most family-friendly expat destinations
The most family-friendly expat destinations
In spite of the fact that families around the world have unique structures and are affected by different socio-economic environments, they are the basic unit of every society. On the United Nations' International Day of Families, presents the best countries to raise a family, as revealed by the latest HSBC Expat Explorer survey. Find out where you get high-quality childcare, education, and healthcare to secure a glowing future for your family.
The world's best cities for international students
The world's best cities for international students
There are plenty of good reasons to study abroad such as discovering the world, experiencing a new culture, learning a new language, building an international network, and opening your horizons to job opportunities. However, the decision of where to go as an international student isn't one to take lightly. QS ranks 100 global cities with London being the best student city of 2018. Which other cities make it to the top five and why? Let's find out together. 
Top 5 cities of 2018 for quality of living
Top 5 cities of 2018 for quality of living
Your employer has just placed you on an international assignment, and you wish to know what living standards to expect in your new city. Mercer, the largest human resources consulting group, ranks the quality of living for 2018 in 231 cities based on different categories — from the political and social environment, economic conditions, healthcare, and education, to public services, housing, natural environment, recreation, and availability of goods. presents the five most competitive cities in the world when it comes to good quality of life and attraction of global talent and foreign investment.
Expat life at the crossroads of civilisations
Expat life at the crossroads of civilisations
Leonard, a writer, an educationist, a history-lover, and an avid reader and traveler, has found everything he needs to lead a fulfilled life in Turkey — where two opposite cultures meet and thrive together. He established his new home in Turkey in 2008 by some quirk of fate, and today, ten years later, he knows that his future is tied with Turkey. To find out more about his expat life in this magical country, follow us as we unfold Leonard's story.
The best cities for expats in 2018
The best cities for expats in 2018
Career prospects, costs of living, quality of life, and leisure are only some of the various factors taken into account by those planning to move abroad. To help you choose the best destination, gives you an insight into the world's best cities for expat careers and in terms of affordability, education, culture, and leisure, according to the latest HSBC Expat Explorer Survey report.