Work - Expat Magazine

How important is workplace engagement for expats?
How important is workplace engagement for expats?
In today's global work world, being engaged at work is really important for success. For foreign professionals who have moved to a new country to work, workplace engagement takes on an even more significant role. Imagine stepping into a new job in a new place with different customs, language, and work methods. Training helps you understand your role better, learn about the company's culture, and become skilled at using the tools and systems specific to that workplace.
Ireland: A growing haven for international job seekers
Ireland: A growing haven for international job seekers
As one of the world's most open economies, Ireland is becoming increasingly attractive to foreign workers. The island nation's assets include double-digit growth and hiring sectors. Let's look at what makes it one of the most attractive countries in Europe for building a career.
Financial crisis hits expat entrepreneurs: What's next?
Financial crisis hits expat entrepreneurs: What's next?
Strong words like "surge", "wave" and "avalanche" are being used in the international media to describe a worrying phenomenon. Entrepreneurs' businesses are not as flourishing as they used to be. This is mainly due to the health crisis, but it's not the only cause. This is an even more delicate situation for many small business owners. What solutions are available for expat entrepreneurs in difficulty? 
The UK's immigration paradox: A growing foreign workforce amid restrictive policies
The UK's immigration paradox: A growing foreign workforce amid restrictive policies
With Brexit, the world expected the United Kingdom's decline, especially considering the successive reforms seen as aggressive towards immigrants. However, if immigrants were gone, the British economy would suffer from persistent labor shortages. While labor shortages remain a reality, the growing presence of immigrants is real, too. Foreign interest in Britain is growing, even as the government tightens the screws. How do we explain this paradox?
Wage portage: The bridge between independence and job security abroad
Wage portage: The bridge between independence and job security abroad
There are several ways to start or grow your career overseas. You can secure a local contract with a foreign company or an expat contract or even request an international transfer. Others may prefer remote working or even digital nomadism. But what if you need independence and job security at the same time? Wage portage, a form of employment created tentatively in the 1980s and becoming increasingly popular among employees, can address this issue. What are the benefits of wage portage for those seeking to work abroad?
How to deal with stress as an unemployed expat
How to deal with stress as an unemployed expat
Losing one's job and trying to find a new one is stressful, even in your home country. In a foreign country where your visa status might depend on your employment and where your support network might be tenuous, it's even more stressful. How can you job hunt and take care of your mental health simultaneously? Here are some tips.
Remote working from abroad: Are you covered in all circumstances?
Remote working from abroad: Are you covered in all circumstances?
Remote working has been on the rise for the past few years. Since the Covid pandemic, most of us have spent a few days a week away from the office. While we've heard of working remotely in the next town or region, remote working from abroad is gaining ground. Large companies are even offering turnkey packages to their employees. But what are the risks, and how do you make sure you're covered at all times?  
How to thrive as an expat in a competitive job market
How to thrive as an expat in a competitive job market
Labor shortages are at an all-time high in many countries, such as Canada, Japan, Australia, the UK, France, Israel, Indonesia, Spain, Germany, etc. These ever-increasing needs open up opportunities for those considering a career abroad. But how do you stand out from thousands of job applicants in a foreign country? Here are our tips.
Working on a farm abroad: benefits, risks, and safety measures
Working on a farm abroad: benefits, risks, and safety measures
Working on a farm abroad is a popular option for many travelers seeking new experiences in contact with nature and simple things. In most cases, participants can have a lot of benefits from it, including cultural enrichment. However, this experience has turned into a nightmare for others. Learn about the benefits and risks of working abroad on a farm and how to make sure it is a safe option.
Top jobs opening doors to European work permits
Top jobs opening doors to European work permits
If you're an expat who hopes to get a job in Europe, a new report from the European Labour Authority (EURES) will be of great help to you. It has analyzed the jobs that are the most and least in demand across all countries of the EU. The jobs requiring the most expat labor are in skilled manual trades, medicine, IT, engineering, transportation and education. Meanwhile, less expat labor is required in administration, the arts, communications and the social sciences.
Expat burnout: A lingering challenge post-pandemic
Expat burnout: A lingering challenge post-pandemic
Multiple studies show that the population of expats is getting younger. These expats under 30 report higher burnout rates than older expats, which means that employers need to consider well-being metrics more seriously in their work culture. Flexible work hours and the freedom to work remotely also count as well-being initiatives.
How to deal with corporate challenges while working abroad
How to deal with corporate challenges while working abroad
Working abroad can sometimes bring surprises, whether pleasant or not. These can be a work culture that doesn't go down well, difficult working conditions, etc. You might find yourself stuck between signing a work contract and reality. So where should you seek help if need be? Is there anyone you can talk to even though you're an expat? Are you allowed to unionize? Let's find out.
Self-employed or digital nomad: how to choose?
Self-employed or digital nomad: how to choose?
Digital nomadism has been a growing trend since the reopening of borders. The whole world envies them for their free-spirited, avant-garde lifestyle. Digital nomads, a new generation of adventurers, are reinventing life abroad and work organization. Overall, it's a new way of life. But does digital nomadism also have a legal status? How does it differ from self-employed, and how do you choose between the two?
Common mistakes to avoid when pursuing a career overseas
Common mistakes to avoid when pursuing a career overseas
After the paperwork and international moving process (including the visa, work permit, housing search, etc.), you're now well settled in your host country and starting your new job in a new company. You have a career plan and are determined to climb the ladder. But how to ensure you have a successful career abroad? Here are the common mistakes to avoid.
Where should you move for blue-collar jobs?
Where should you move for blue-collar jobs?
As the global economy evolves, so do the demands for skilled workers in various industries. Many countries are experiencing shortages of skilled blue-collar workers, and as a result, they feature these occupations on their labor shortage lists. This presents an excellent opportunity for individuals seeking to work abroad and contribute their expertise to a foreign land.
Which countries currently offer the best expat salary packages?
Saudi Arabia
Which countries currently offer the best expat salary packages?
When it comes to moving abroad for work, salaries, professional growth, and work/life balance are crucial considerations. Some countries are known for higher salaries, while others are making efforts to attract foreign talent with lucrative compensation packages. As a prospective expat, how can you make the best decision?
Why are businesses finding it hard to recruit amid global labor shortages?
Why are businesses finding it hard to recruit amid global labor shortages?
Why are companies struggling to recruit despite labor shortages? In countries like France, Germany and the UK, recruitment difficulties are hampering the dynamism and growth of the labor market. What does this mean for professionals with moving abroad plans? Is it the right time to move overseas?
Internships abroad: Expand your professional horizons at any age
Internships abroad: Expand your professional horizons at any age
It is said that travel shapes youth, and the same holds true for adults, especially today, as many countries are actively on the lookout for international talent. Lifelong learning has become essential for building a successful career. Performing an internship abroad is another way to explore life in a new country while gaining knowledge and work experience. We are familiar with internships abroad for young students, but can adults also benefit from them? Is there an age limit? What options are available for non-students?