Work - Expat Magazine

Global teacher shortage: A closer look at opportunities for academic professionals abroad
Global teacher shortage: A closer look at opportunities for academic professionals abroad
There is a continuous and concerning shortage, raising the question of whether academic careers are in decline. The field of teaching is becoming less appealing to individuals, and this issue is becoming more prevalent in numerous countries worldwide. Interestingly, this situation might offer a chance for people looking to boost their careers overseas.
How job stability impacts residence for expats
How job stability impacts residence for expats
Job stability is essential for everyone, but it may be even more important for expats whose residence status depends on their work visa. In some countries like the US and Gulf countries, the massive layoff of expats has threatened both their livelihood and residence status.
Opportunities and challenges for expats in emerging economies
Opportunities and challenges for expats in emerging economies
Choosing to relocate to an emerging economy is a bold decision for anyone seeking to navigate environments undergoing rapid growth, often characterized by robust economic dynamics but slower social changes. Before getting started, it is crucial to understand what 'emerging economy' truly means and how these swiftly evolving countries present unique opportunities and stimulating challenges for prospective expats.
Career in Europe: Discover jobs that facilitate work permits
Career in Europe: Discover jobs that facilitate work permits
If you're an expat who hopes to get a job in Europe, a new report from the European Labour Authority (EURES) will be of great help to you. It has analyzed the jobs that are the most and least in demand across all countries of the EU. The jobs requiring the most expat labor are in skilled manual trades, medicine, IT, engineering, transportation and education. Meanwhile, less expat labor is required in administration, the arts, communications and the social sciences.
Global labor shortages in agriculture: Opportunities for expat workers
Global labor shortages in agriculture: Opportunities for expat workers
The already vulnerable agricultural industry continues to face labor shortages worldwide. Governments are faced with the challenge of getting local people interested in farming and thus have recourse to the foreign labor force, which is quite challenging.
Internships abroad: Compensation, opportunities, and pitfalls
Internships abroad: Compensation, opportunities, and pitfalls
Many students dream of finding an internship abroad. Indeed, it's a unique opportunity to discover different aspects of a new country and even to consider long-term immigration. But are internships abroad always paid? What should you consider before embarking on an internship adventure overseas?
These countries are facing a female brain drain
These countries are facing a female brain drain
While many countries are experiencing a brain drain, some are also facing a female brain drain. Graduated and experienced women professionals no longer hesitate to leave their countries to pursue careers abroad. Moving to a foreign country sometimes sounds like an obligation for those who want to enjoy complete freedom.
Tackling the global health worker brain drain: Strategies and controversies
Tackling the global health worker brain drain: Strategies and controversies
In some countries, there are talks about a "brain drain". This is another major challenge for developing countries whose health systems are still reeling from the Covid pandemic. How can countries attract and retain health workers? The shortage of health workers affects countries worldwide, even the wealthiest. 
How to choose an employer who values your mental health
How to choose an employer who values your mental health
Working abroad can be psychologically daunting. Culture shock, homesickness, different corporate norms, and even different weather can easily lead expats to depression and burnout. This is why it's important to choose an employer who values your mental health and has implemented workplace policies that give you a great environment to thrive in.
Why are expats increasingly interested in workations?
Why are expats increasingly interested in workations?
Workations are short-term or mid-term trips that combine work and holidays. They're an excellent solution for expats who can't afford to take a few weeks completely off work but do need a change of environment. The difference between “workations” and “digital nomadism” can be fuzzy, but it's generally assumed that digital nomadism tends to be more long-term. Many expats think that workations help them avoid burnout and make them more creative at work, but it can also put them under stress about how to manage their time and budget while doing two things at a time.
Tips for navigating pregnancy and an international career
Tips for navigating pregnancy and an international career
You have just landed your dream job in the country of your choice and are elated. Isn't that exciting? But what if you suddenly learn that you're pregnant? Should such great news be a barrier to your move? What are the legal considerations regarding pregnancy, job interviews, and protecting pregnant individuals living abroad? Are there any risks involved in disclosing your pregnancy after being hired abroad?
Salaries around the world: Things that may surprise expats
Salaries around the world: Things that may surprise expats
Every work deserves proper compensation. However, the most awaited income can be accompanied by more or less confusing factors. It can be hard to break down a payslip, especially for an expatriate. From payment dates to bank transfers and cash issues, here are the things that can surprise expats working abroad.
Are the most exciting jobs in the world made for expats?
Are the most exciting jobs in the world made for expats?
Have you ever considered getting paid for cuddling pandas, playing video games, testing amusement parks and sweets, playing a friend for a day, or being a guest at a party? These are often called "the most exciting jobs in the world". They are so much fun that it's hard to believe they actually exist. But can expats take up such jobs?
Unconventional careers abroad: Understanding challenges and opportunities
Unconventional careers abroad: Understanding challenges and opportunities
Moving abroad is an adventure in itself, but it takes on an even greater dimension when it comes to building an unconventional career in a foreign land. Whether you're looking for a career change, pursuing a dream, or a personal challenge, here are some pointers to help you get started in a foreign country.
Working on public holidays: Things you should know as an expat
Working on public holidays: Things you should know as an expat
Work more to earn more? Just like the traditional weekend, whose definition and value vary from country to country, public holidays are sometimes less known. Many countries are slowly introducing the concept of working on holidays. However, if the law does allow working on holidays, the company must still comply with the legal framework. So here's what expatriates should be aware of when working overseas.
Digital nomadism: The reality beyond dreams
Digital nomadism: The reality beyond dreams
Digital nomads are reshaping the world with their dream-like, flexible working style. You could think they are living life to the fullest, with plenty of time for vacations and leisure. However, practical realities tend to put the ideal of digital nomadism into perspective.
International mobility: Is the pandemic behind us?
International mobility: Is the pandemic behind us?
After a challenging period during the health crisis, international mobility is back on track and even on the rise in many countries facing severe labor shortages. But does this mean that the Covid pandemic is now part of history? How are economies faring?
Unlocking Africa's investment potential: Opportunities and challenges
Unlocking Africa's investment potential: Opportunities and challenges
Africa, overall, is open to foreign investment. But what are the most prominent sectors? This question lies behind the new mega investment projects across the continent. Thanks to their natural resources, African countries are attractive to foreign investors. However, as we face climate change, investing in environmental-friendly projects is more crucial than ever.