Work - Expat Magazine

India: A land of challenges for expats despite opportunities
India: A land of challenges for expats despite opportunities
The G20 summit in September 2023 might not have resulted in significant announcements, but it provided India, as the host country and G20 president at the time, with an opportunity to showcase its prestige to the world. Foreign heads of state were welcomed with the red carpet treatment, even if it required hastily constructing new infrastructure to conceal slums. The goal was to lavish guests with hospitality to attract more business leaders and foster additional partnerships. Will this be enough to attract and retain foreign talent?
Expat spouses: Here's how to redefine your career
Expat spouses: Here's how to redefine your career
Traditionally, the term "trailing spouse" has often referred to women accompanying their partners on international work assignments. However, this can be limiting. For these spouses, navigating a new career landscape abroad can be challenging, especially when faced with societal stereotypes. The image of a "stay-at-home spouse" often overshadows their professional aspirations. But the reality is far more nuanced. How do women, and men, approach their careers when following their spouse abroad? What factors should they consider when pursuing professional opportunities abroad?
Digital nomads: Who are they and how can you join them?
Digital nomads: Who are they and how can you join them?
The rapid shift in work structures, accelerated by the pandemic, has given rise to a new breed of adventurers: the digital nomads. This new generation of nomads is making headlines with their unconventional lifestyles. But who exactly are these modern expatriates, and what defines their diverse work styles?
Find your dream job abroad: Work remotely for a company in your country
Find your dream job abroad: Work remotely for a company in your country
You've got a job, but it's not always in one location. Your idea of a fulfilling career involves working both in your home country and abroad. Now, the challenge is finding a company that aligns with your work philosophy. The question is, how do you balance your search for a local job with your aspirations to relocate in the near future? More importantly, how do you identify companies receptive to remote work?
Europe Vs. Australia: Where to find the most paid time off
Europe Vs. Australia: Where to find the most paid time off
Many things are taken into consideration when accepting a job, such as the available opportunity, your potential career growth, and your overall package. Paid leave entitlement is another factor that might affect your overall decision-making process.
Short-term transfers and family life: Can I make them work?
Short-term transfers and family life: Can I make them work?
Perhaps your employer has recently presented you with an opportunity for a short-term assignment overseas, or they've mentioned several short-term assignments throughout the year. The challenge lies in ensuring that these professional commitments align with your family responsibilities. How can you strike a balance between the two? Should you undertake these work assignments alone, or is it feasible to involve your family? Let's delve into the key considerations you should explore and offer some guidance.
Can I move abroad without a job?
Can I move abroad without a job?
Have you been dreaming of leaving everything behind to live abroad, enjoying expat life, but without working? Does this sound feasible? Maybe it does, and if you're keen on doing so, here are a few pointers to guide you in making your dream come true.
Can I work abroad without a work visa?
Can I work abroad without a work visa?
Having a work visa is often the key to working in another country. However, the ease of obtaining a work visa varies by country. For many expatriates, securing a work visa is crucial for joining the labor market. Nevertheless, there are circumstances where you can work without a work visa. Let's find out how.
How to face job interviews as an introverted expat
How to face job interviews as an introverted expat
Introverted expats face a double challenge in interviews. First, their reserved nature might make them uncomfortable with interviews in general. Second, the language barrier and cultural differences in a new country add an extra challenge when it comes to facing an interview. Strategic preparation before the interview can still make them have a successful interview. Here are some tips.
Can I find a job abroad if I'm over 50?
Can I find a job abroad if I'm over 50?
On one side, labor shortages are driving many countries to seek foreign workers. On the other side, increased life expectancy and extended working lives are causing many older people to remain in the workforce. So, what opportunities exist, and under what conditions can senior expatriates secure or retain employment?
How to choose a digital nomad destination
How to choose a digital nomad destination
Digital nomads are reshaping work norms and altering work and personal life dynamics. Many countries now offer special visas to acknowledge their significant economic impact. However, several questions arise: How do you choose the ideal "digital nomad" country? What criteria should you consider to make the right decision?
Working in a declining field: Is moving abroad the right solution?
Working in a declining field: Is moving abroad the right solution?
Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly generative AI, continuously makes headlines. According to its developers, millions of jobs will disappear in the coming decades. But there are other professions unrelated to AI that are also disappearing. How can one consider moving abroad when working in a profession that is at risk?
How can expats resume their careers after a long break?
How can expats resume their careers after a long break?
Are you keen on getting back to work after a long career break? Things might not be as easy as they seem to be, especially for expat women. Where do you begin? Here are some tips to help you get back on track.
Teaching abroad: What qualifications do you really need?
Teaching abroad: What qualifications do you really need?
Teaching abroad is a great opportunity to experience a new country, gain professional experience, make new connections — and more. The opportunity to live abroad while receiving a salary and having your basic expenses covered sounds like a dream to many. And there is a high chance that this lifestyle may be yours — provided, of course, that you have the right qualifications or are willing to work on acquiring them. Let's look into this in a bit more detail.
Six reasons to upgrade your skills while working abroad
Six reasons to upgrade your skills while working abroad
We live in a fast-paced world, and the workplace seems to be moving at an even faster pace. Outside of keeping up with the high demands of day-to-day tasks, you might also find yourself having to keep up with a range of different skills and requirements. In today's ever-evolving and highly connected world, we see a constant emergence of new ways to do things, new information, and new work methods.
Moving to Germany without a work contract soon a reality for skilled expats
Moving to Germany without a work contract soon a reality for skilled expats
With the Skilled Immigration Act of 2023, Germany has been enacting new immigration reforms to make immigration easier for highly-skilled expats. Applications for the Opportunity Card will start from June 2024. This visa allows skilled expats who pass a points test to move to Germany for one year without any work contract. They can use that year to look for a job in the country itself.
How does the real estate crisis impact other sectors?
How does the real estate crisis impact other sectors?
Popular expat destinations are facing challenges. Real estate remains in a slump, impacting various sectors within the industry. But despite the real estate downturn in several countries, there are still labor shortages in related fields. If you're considering a move to one of these countries, let's look at the state of the job market and the solutions for these sectors.
Labor shortages and in-demand jobs: Key considerations for prospective expats
Labor shortages and in-demand jobs: Key considerations for prospective expats
On the one hand, many sectors are experiencing significant labor shortages. On the other hand, entry requirements in certain countries can slow down the recruitment of international workers. Therefore, equivalence or recognition of diplomas, tests, competitive examinations, etc., become important considerations for prospective expats.