Work - Expat Magazine

South Korea: These sectors are currently facing labor shortages
South Korea
South Korea: These sectors are currently facing labor shortages
Will 2023 be the year of a new economic and even demographic boost in South Korea? This is the government's hope and belief as it outlines its plan to revive the South Korean economy. Since important sectors are suffering from acute labor shortages, it is taking new measures to welcome foreign workers. Which are the most affected sectors and are in desperate need of expat workers?
These countries are encouraging their overseas talent to return
These countries are encouraging their overseas talent to return
The pandemic has accentuated labor shortages in many countries. In addition to trying to attract new immigrants, countries are also encouraging their citizens who are abroad to return home. Some of them, which have historically suffered from a brain drain, have been doing that since before the pandemic. They created favorable policies, such as tax breaks and entrepreneurship loans, to encourage returnees to use their skills and experience gained abroad in their home country.
What are the most sought-after skills for expats in 2023?
What are the most sought-after skills for expats in 2023?
The MOOC-provider Coursera recently published its Job Skills of 2023 report. The report says that digital skills, especially in data science, together with soft skills in management and storytelling, are the best career skills to have in 2023. This should not be surprising in a marketplace where hybrid work has become the norm. 
Singapore's new measures to help companies hire foreign talent
Singapore's new measures to help companies hire foreign talent
Thanks to its strong links with other countries, Singapore's economy is considered a barometer of economic conditions. However, there is growing concern about the 2023 outlook as the World Bank warns of a possible recession. As a result, the Singaporean government is introducing a new strategy to sustain its economic growth based partly on foreign talent. Here's how this works.
Why Malaysia needs 500,000 additional foreign workers
Why Malaysia needs 500,000 additional foreign workers
During COVID, more than 700,000 foreign workers left Malaysia. Faced with major labor shortages in key sectors, the government has announced a vast international recruitment program. Here are some insights.
Working abroad in 2023: Here's what you should consider
Working abroad in 2023: Here's what you should consider
Will 2023 be the year of digital nomads and expatriates? In any case, the craze for working abroad is not waning. Since the health crisis, more and more people are choosing to move to another country to build a career, gain new experience, discover life in another country, fulfill a dream, take up a challenge, or acquire new skills. In fact, numerous reasons and benefits make people dream of moving abroad. So, what are the countries to consider for building your career abroad? What should you consider when planning your move? Here are some practical tips.
Doing business abroad in 2023: Here's what you should consider
Doing business abroad in 2023: Here's what you should consider
There are many reasons for starting a business abroad. They can be related to a personal challenge, a professional opportunity, a new career, new ambitions, or a new life project overseas. Paradoxically, the health crisis has motivated many new entrepreneurs to start their own businesses abroad. Professional achievement is now just as important as a personal accomplishment. People want to fulfill themselves through their work and no longer be controlled by it. This urge for freedom is coming back for most entrepreneurs. But is the current situation conducive to launching a business abroad? What should be considered before starting a business abroad in 2023? Which countries are the best for entrepreneurship?
What's the value of work like for expats in 2023?
What's the value of work like for expats in 2023?
As crises keep popping up one after the other, expats seem to be rethinking their relationship with work. While the famous work-life balance concept is becoming increasingly important in the life of expatriates, the inherent value of work is being reconsidered. As a result, it seems that a new era is looming in the global labor market.
Canada: How will the drop in the unemployment rate affect immigration?
Canada: How will the drop in the unemployment rate affect immigration?
Are you looking for a stable job? Are you dreaming of moving abroad for new career opportunities? Canada starts 2023 with unemployment figures that would make other leading economies swoon. The country is still likely to gain valuable points with prospective immigrants. Used to good rankings, Canada is one of the favorite countries among expatriates. Will this be confirmed again this year by the drop in the unemployment rate? Will the government stick to its strategy to welcome 500,000 immigrants by 2025?
What are the support programs for prospective entrepreneurs in Africa?
What are the support programs for prospective entrepreneurs in Africa?
All eyes are on the African continent. According to the World Bank, most of its inhabitants will be aged under 25 by 2050. It's a young and ambitious population that favors more and more investments in its local environment. Besides, African countries are also increasingly seen as true partners abroad, and foreign entrepreneurs who choose Africa are ready to cooperate with locals to contribute to the region's dynamism. In fact, this is one of the conditions for obtaining a financial grant. Here is an overview of the main types of assistance available to foreign entrepreneurs in Africa.
How to find a job abroad in 2023?
How to find a job abroad in 2023?
So you have decided to work abroad this year! But before starting your new expatriate life, it's essential to get the right information. Where should you start from? How are you going to seamlessly join professional circles? Here are some tips for finding a job abroad in 2023.
How do you get back to reality when you've been a digital nomad?
How do you get back to reality when you've been a digital nomad?
Many digital nomads came back to their countries during the pandemic, and some have been hit harder than others by the new economic realities, particularly those with work related to or directly centered around travel. But how do digital nomads deal with leaving their lifestyle? Are they willing to return to their home countries?
Canada plans to attract more Asian immigrants with new Indo-Pacific Strategy
Canada plans to attract more Asian immigrants with new Indo-Pacific Strategy
As part of its Immigration Levels Plan 2023-2025, Canada is trying to attract more immigrants from the Indo-Pacific region. Most recent immigrants have come from three countries in the region: India, China and the Philippines. In the next 5 years, Canada will invest an additional $75 million in trade, visa processing and educational exchanges with the Indo-Pacific region.
Millennial and Gen Z workers desire workplace flexibility and international experience
Millennial and Gen Z workers desire workplace flexibility and international experience
Multiple recent studies revealed that younger workers highly value flexibility in their careers. This flexibility includes the ability to work remotely and from abroad. After their university or first career years spent under pandemic lockdowns, many have an increased thirst to job-hop around the globe or become digital nomads.
Tips for negotiating a good expat package when moving abroad with your family 
Tips for negotiating a good expat package when moving abroad with your family 
Relocating to a new country as a single person and as a person with a family can be two whole different deals. You will need additional costs and adjustments for your family members' visas, accommodation, healthcare, education and transport. It's important to do research, negotiate with your employer or prospective employer, and plan well to make your family's transition as smooth as possible.
Do you have the right profile to immigrate to Canada?
Do you have the right profile to immigrate to Canada?
Canada has always been popular among foreigners, and the government intends to take advantage of this. Determined to welcome some 500,000 immigrants per year by 2025, the government is launching a new communication campaign and rolling out the red carpet to candidates for expatriation. Age, degree, languages spoken, and professional experience are the new grail. But what are the best profiles for immigrating to Canada?
These countries are offering the best opportunities to expats in healthcare
These countries are offering the best opportunities to expats in healthcare
Since the pandemic, the demand for experienced health professionals in many countries has increased. Canada, Ireland and Australia are currently offering attractive incentives to welcome expats working in healthcare.
Armed forces around the world that enlist foreigners 
Armed forces around the world that enlist foreigners 
Some countries' defense forces allow the recruitment of foreign nationals, generally under some conditions. These conditions can be permanent residency, citizenship in a limited number of allied countries, language proficiency and/or previous military experience. In many cases, military service provides a fast track to citizenship.