Child Care

Hey everyone,

Does anybody on here have kids and if so what do you do for child care?  We've got an 8 month old (be about 1.5 years old by the time we need child care).

We're moving over in a few months and my wife wants to take 6-12 months off work and then try to find a job as Physical therapist when she gets so bored of not working that shcan't take it anymore.



i have a 9 month old girl and i'm facing the same problem :(

Look fir house maid, child care is not goo here

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I have a good and trustworthy friend who takes care of children (Filipina). What friends would do is to bring their child to her in the morning and fetch him/her after work. They just bring along their kids' vitamins/meds, required snacks, diapers, milk, etc. She charges 400 SAR-500 SAR a month.