Is thyroid T3 medication available in Paphos? -

Hi one and all,

Fellow thyroid sufferers: A friend is going to Paphos in a week and I've asked him to see if he can hunt down some thyroid Cytomel T3 medication. (NOT thyroxine T4)

I know it's available in Greece OTC, but not sure about Cyprus as I've seen conflicting reports.

Does anyone know a chemist where it's possible to walk in and buy or order it? Perhaps I could ring in advance of him going?

I'm pretty desperate so all steers would be gratefully received.

Many thanks.


It is not in the Unified Price List so it is not available in Cyprus. … endocument

If you have a spreadsheet appication you can download the spreadsheet and search for it.

All chemists here have the same medicines. You can call any chemist in Cyprus and ask.

Equivalent to T3 is available here for sure as I have just been offered It by my regular chemist , strange that he never offered them before - I got mine on prescription at €1  but the price tag says €4.04 for 100 tablets . .