Your feedback about

Hello everyone,

We are launching a survey to know your thoughts on our website, in view of your experience as a user.
How are you using the website? Are you satisfied with the services we provide? How else could we be of help to you?
Participating in the survey will only take a few minutes but it would really help us create a website that responds to the needs of our community.

To contribute to the survey, please click here.

Thank you in advance for your contribution!


There should be app on android and ios

Eng.MAAKA wrote:

There should be app on android and ios

Thanks for the suggestion Eng.MAAKA, please mention it in the survey as well ;)

Many thanks,


Done Marie😊

Eng.MAAKA wrote:

Done Marie😊

Great, thank you  :)


Tsarai Mtize wrote:

Provide a link about jobs on Facebook, so that others can know about Again provide WhatsApp group for people with the same interest.

Fill in in the questionnaire and put your suggestions.

Expat Team

Tsarai Mtize wrote:

Provide a link about jobs on Facebook, so that others can know about Again provide WhatsApp group for people with the same interest.


Both are irrelevant suggestions.
- Jobs : there's already a huge number of specialized websites
- WhatsApp group: it will create private discussions outside of the forum

Thank you all for your contributions!

We are now closing the survey.

Have a good day!



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